Searching for similarity in time series finds still broader applications in data mining. However, due to the very broad spectrum of data involved, there is no possibility of defining one single notion of similarity suitable to serve all applications. We present a powerful framework based on wavelet decomposition, which allows designing and implementing a variety of criteria for the evaluation of similarity between time series. As an example, two main classes of similarity measures are considered. One is the global, statistical similarity, which uses the wavelet transform derived Hurst exponent to classify time series according to their global scaling properties. The second measure estimates similarity locally using the scale-position bifurcation representation.

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
Database Architectures

Struzik, Z. R., & Siebes, A. (1998). Wavelet Transform in Similarity Paradigm. In Proceedings of the Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining 1998 (pp. 295–309). Springer.