Data Mining places specific requirements on DBMS query performance that cannot be evaluated satisfactorily using existing OLAP benchmarks. The DD Benchmark - defined here - provides a practical case and yardstick to explore how well a DBMS is able to support Data Mining applications. It was derived from real-life data mining tasks performed by our Data Surveyor tool running on a variety of DBMS backends. We describe initial results obtained using both the Monet system and a relational DBMS product as backend.

Very Large Data Base Endowment.
International Conference on Very Large Databases

Boncz, P., Rühl, T., & Kwakkel, F. (1998). The Drill Down Benchmark. In Proceedings of International Conference on Very Large Databases 1998 (VLDB) (pp. 628–632). Very Large Data Base Endowment.