For vendors of product software it is becoming more and more difficult to manage and control the software configurations of all their users at the customer's site. It is labour intensive and error-prone to (semi)automatically register detailed lists of the software artefacts in use by each customer. To alleviate this problem the Deliver project proposes an Intelligent Software Knowledge Base that contains all facts about all artefacts together with their relevant attributes, relations and constraints. In this way, high-quality software configurations can be calculated automatically from a small set of key parameters. It also becomes possible to pose what-if questions about necessary or future upgrades of a customer's configuration. This document describes a case study performed at Exact Software into the processes of release and deployment. The results of the case study are presented, existing of process descriptions of the development, release and deployment processes at Exact Software, a comparison to the Intelligent Software Knowledge Base, and an analysis of the results

Software Engineering [SEN]
Software Analysis and Transformation

Jansen, S., Ballintijn, G., & Brinkkemper, S. (2004). Software release and deployment at Exact: a case study report. Software Engineering [SEN]. CWI.