Enabled by the emergence of various access technologies (such as ADSL and wireless LAN), the number of users with high-speed access to the Internet is growing rapidly, and their expectation with respect to the quality-of-service of the applications has been increasing accordingly. With TCP being the ubiquitous underlying end-to-end control, this motivates the interest in easy-to-evaluate, yet accurate, performance models for a TCP-based network shared by multiple classes of users. Building on the vast body of existing models, we develop a novel versatile model that explicitly captures user heterogeneity, and takes into consideration dynamics at both the packet level and the flow level. It is described how the resulting multiple time-scale model can be numerically evaluated. Validation is done by using NS2 simulations as a benchmark. In extensive numerical experiments, we study the impact of heterogeneity in the round-trip times on user-level characteristics such as throughputs and flow transmission times, thus quantifying the resulting bias. We also investigate to what extent this bias is affected by the networks' `packet-level parameters', such as buffer sizes. We conclude by extending the single-link model in a straightforward way to a general network setting. Also in this network setting the impact of heterogeneity in round-trip times is numerically assessed

CWI. Probability, Networks and Algorithms [PNA]

Abendroth, D., van den Berg, H., & Mandjes, M. (2004). A versatile model for TCP bandwidth sharing in networks with heterogeneous users.. CWI. Probability, Networks and Algorithms [PNA]. CWI.