In this report, we first give an overview of software systems based on Vital Processor Interlocking (VPI). Interlockings guarantee safety of railway control systems, so testing these software systems is a key issue. We show why testing such systems with real time and scaled time is inefficient. We also provide a time semantics for simulated time that is more suitable for testing VPI's software. We provide a solution that allows simulated time for TTCN-3 test systems. TTCN-3 is a standard language for specifying and executing test suites. In the context of the TT-MEDAL project, TTCN-3 is applied to various domains, in particular to testing railway and automotive systems. TTCN-3 supports real-time and scaled-time testing but not simulated-time testing. The solution is based on a distributed termination detection algorithm that we extend to provide the main ingredients of simulated time: idleness detection and correct time progress. We implemented our solution as a TTCN-3 module and several Java classes that can be reused for testing other systems that have characteristics similar to those of VPIs