Optimization procedures in practice are based on highly accurate models that typically have an excessive computational cost. By exploiting auxiliary models that are less accurate but much cheaper to compute, space-mapping has been reported to accelerate such procedures. However, the space-mapping solution does not always coincide with the accurate model optimum. We introduce manifold mapping, an improved version of space mapping that finds this precise solution with the same computational efficiency. By an example in linear actuator design we show that our technique delivers a significant speed-up compared to other optimization schemes

Modelling, Analysis and Simulation [MAS]
Scientific Computing

Echeverria, D., Lahaye, D., Encica, L., Lomonova, E. A., Hemker, P., & Vandenput, A. J. A. (2006). Manifold-mapping optimization applied to linear actuator design. Modelling, Analysis and Simulation [MAS]. CWI.