It is pointed out that relativistic effects lead to an increase in whistler-mode refractive index and to a decrease in the range of frequencies for which instability of these waves occurs. The latter effect is particularly important in a rarefied plasma in a strong magnetic field where the electron plasma frequency (IT) is of the order of or smaller than the electron gyrofrequency (Ω). The condition II ≲ Ω is satisfied in some regions of the Earth’s magnetosphere (e.g. outside the plasmasphere near the magnetospheric equator) and in these regions the analysis of whistler-mode waves requires the weakly relativistic rather than the nonrelativistic approach even if the thermal velocities of magnetospheric particles are well below the velocity of light.

American Geophysical Union
Geophysical monograph
Computational Dynamics

Sazhin, S. S., Sumner, A. E., & Temme, N. (1995). Are relativistic effects significant for the analysis of whistler-mode waves in the earth's magnetosphere?. In Space Plasmas: Coupling Between Small and Medium Scale Processes (pp. 139–142). American Geophysical Union. doi:10.1029/GM086p0139