This paper describes our participation in INEX (the Initiative for the Evaluation of XML Retrieval) and discusses several aspects of our XML retrieval system: the retrieval model, the document indexing and manipulation scheme and our preliminary evaluation results of the submitted three runs. In our system, we have used a probabilistic retrieval model where we map dimensions of relevance to (possibly structural) properties of documents and use these dimensions of relevance for retrieval purposes. The study concentrates on coverage, a measure reflecting how focused the component is on the given topic while considering that it should serve as an informative unit to be retrieved by itself. We also discuss an efficient and database-independent indexing scheme for XML documents, based on text regions and discuss region operators for selection and manipulation of XML document regions.

Initiative for the Evaluation of XML Retrieval
Database Architectures

List, J. A., & de Vries, A. (2003). CWI at INEX 2002. In Proceedings of Initiative for the Evaluation of XML Retrieval 2003 (INEX 1) (pp. 133–140). IEEE.