Video and XML retrieval test collections call for evaluation metrics that do not require a predefined retrieval unit. The use of traditional recall and precision metrics is problematic due to issues caused by `overlap' between result and reference items. The paper proposes evaluation metrics derived from a user-effort oriented view of information retrieval to address these problems. It builds on the Expected Search Length metric of Cooper, revived by Dunlop for the Expected Search Duration metric. Our work extends these previous works by demonstrating how to handle systematically the overlap problems introduced when the assumption of a fixed, predefined retrieval unit is removed from the benchmark setting.

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International Conference on Adaptivity, Personalization and Fusion of Heterogeneous Information
Database Architectures

de Vries, A., Kazai, G., & Lalmas, M. (2004). Tolerance to Irrelevance: A User-effort Oriented Evaluation of Retrieval Systems without Predefined Retrieval Unit. In Proceedings of International Conference on Adaptivity, Personalization and Fusion of Heterogeneous Information 2004 (pp. 463–473). C.I.D.