Quantum algorithms and applications March 2018 - June 2022
Span programs and quantum time complexity In Proceedings
A.J. Cornelissen (Arjan), S. Jeffery (Stacey), M. Ozols (Maris) and A. Piedrafita Postigo (Álvaro)
August 2020 -
September 2020
October 2020
November 2020
A unified framework of quantum walk search In Proceedings
S.M.G. Apers (Simon), A.P. Gilyén (András) and S. Jeffery (Stacey)
March 2021 -
April 2021
Quantum complexity of minimum cut In Proceedings
July 2021 -
Quantum algorithms for matrix scaling and matrix balancing In Proceedings
J.T.S. van Apeldoorn (Joran), S.J. Gribling (Sander), Y. Li (Yinan), H.A. Nieuwboer (Harold), M. Walter (Michael) and R.M. de Wolf (Ronald)
July 2021