Quantum Software Consortium September 2017 - December 2099
Efficient unitarity randomized benchmarking of few-qubit Clifford gates Article
Physical Review A: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 99(1)B. Dirkse (Bas), J. Helsen (Jonas) and S.D.C. Wehner (Stephanie)
January 2019 -
Counting single-qubit Clifford equivalent graph states is #ℙ-complete Article
Journal of Mathematical Physics, 61(2)A. Dahlberg (Axel), J. Helsen (Jonas) and S.D.C. Wehner (Stephanie)
February 2020 -
Quantum SDP-Solvers: Better upper and lower bounds Article
QuantumJ.T.S. van Apeldoorn (Joran), A.P. Gilyén (András), S.J. Gribling (Sander) and R.M. de Wolf (Ronald)
February 2020 -
Improved bounds on Fourier entropy and min-entropy In Proceedings
S. Arunachalam (Srinivasan), S. Chakraborty (Sourav), M. Koucký (Michal), N. Saurabh (Nitin) and R.M. de Wolf (Ronald)
March 2020 -
Quantum coupon collector In Proceedings
S. Arunachalam (Srinivasan), A. Belovs (Aleksandr), A.M. Childs (Andrew), R. Kothari (Robin), A. Rosmanis (Ansis) and R.M. de Wolf (Ronald)
June 2020 -
Transforming graph states to Bell-pairs is NP-Complete Article
QuantumA. Dahlberg (Axel), J. Helsen (Jonas) and S.D.C. Wehner (Stephanie)
October 2020 -
A note on short invertible ring elements and applications to cyclotomic and trinomials number fields Article
Mathematical Cryptology, 1(1), 45-70.T. Attema (Thomas), R.J.F. Cramer (Ronald) and C. Xing (Chaoping)
June 2021 -
June 2021