Mathematics and Algorithms for 3D Imaging of Dynamic Processes September 2017 - August 2021
Risk estimators for choosing regularization parameters in ill-posed problems - Properties and limitations Article
Inverse Problems and Imaging, 12(5), 1121-1155.F. Lucka (Felix), K. Proksch (Katharina), C. Brune (Christoph), N. Bissantz (Nicolai), M. Burger (Martin), H. Dette (Holger) and F. Wübbeling (Frank)
January 2018 -
Model based learning for accelerated, limited-view 3D photoacoustic tomography Article
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 37(6), 1382-1393.A. Hauptmann (Andreas), F. Lucka (Felix), M. Betcke (Marta), N.T. Huynh (Nam), J. Adler (Jonas), B.T. Cox (Ben), P. Beard (Paul), S. Ourselin (Sebastien) and S. Arridge (Simon)
March 2018 -
A hierarchical Bayesian perspective on majorization-minimization for non-convex sparse regression: Application to M/EEG source imaging Article
Inverse Problems, 34(8), 085010:1-085010:24.Y. Bekhti (Yousra), F. Lucka (Felix), J. Salmon (Joseph) and A. Gramfort (Alexandre)
June 2018 -
Equivalent-source acoustic holography for projecting measured ultrasound fields through complex media Article
IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 65(10), 1857-1864.B.E. Treeby (Bradley), F. Lucka (Felix), E. Martin (Eleanor) and B.T. Cox (Ben)
August 2018 -
Real-time cardiovascular MR with spatio-temporal artifact suppression using deep learning–proof of concept in congenital heart disease Article
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 81(2), 1143-1156.A. Hauptmann (Andreas), S. Arridge (Simon), F. Lucka (Felix), V. Muthurangu (Vivek) and J.A. Steeden (Jennifer)
September 2018 -
Three dimensional photoacoustic tomography in Bayesian framework Article
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 144(4), 2061-2071.J. Tick (Jenni), A. Pulkkinen (Aki), F. Lucka (Felix), R. Ellwood (Robert), B.T. Cox (Ben), Kaipio, J.P. (Jari), S. Arridge (Simon) and T. Tarvainen (Tanja)
October 2018 -
Improved EEG source localization with Bayesian uncertainty modelling of unknown skull conductivity Article
NeuroImage, 252-260.V. Rimpiläinen (Ville), A. Koulouri (Alexandra), F. Lucka (Felix), Kaipio (Jari) and C.H. Wolters (Carsten)
March 2019 -
Single-pixel camera photoacoustic tomography Article
Journal of Biomedical Optics, 24(12)N.T. Huynh (Nam), F. Lucka (Felix), E. Zhang (Edward), M. Betcke (Marta), S. Arridge (Simon), P. Beard (Paul) and B.T. Cox (Ben)
September 2019