Real-time forecasting of killer electrons on satellite orbits November 2017 - December 2020
Satellites orbiting around Earth have become crucial for communication and a wide range of technology/sensing applications. They are, however, often exposed to harmful energetic electrons that can damage their electronic instruments, making them temporarily or permanently inoperable, with large economic and societal consequences.
Coherent structures and spectral energy transfer in turbulent plasma: A space-filter approach Article
Physical Review LettersE. Camporeale (Enrico), L. Sorriso-Valvo, F. Califano and A. Retinò
March 2018 -
Multiple-hour-ahead forecast of the Dst index using a combination of Long Short-Term Memory neural network and Gaussian process Article
Space Weather, 16(11), 1882-1896.M.A. Gruet (Marina), M.H. Chandorkar (Mandar), A. Sicard and E. Camporeale (Enrico)
June 2018 -
Transfer entropy and cumulant-based cost as measures of nonlinear causal relationships in space plasmas: Applications to Dst Article
Annales Geophysicae, 36(4), 945-952.J.R. Johnson (Jay), S.P. Wing (Simon) and E. Camporeale (Enrico)
July 2018 -
On the generation of probabilistic forecasts from deterministic models Article
Space Weather, 17(3), 455-475.E. Camporeale (Enrico), X. Chu, O.V. Agapitov and J. Bortnik
February 2019 -
Fourier-Hermite decomposition of the collisional Vlasov-Maxwell system: Implications for the velocity-space cascade Article
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 054005:1-054005:14.O. Pezzi (Oreste), F. Valentini (Francesco), S. Servidio (Sergio), E. Camporeale (Enrico) and Veltri, P. (P.)
March 2019 -
The challenge of machine learning in space weather: Nowcasting and forecasting Article
Space Weather, 17(8), 1166-1207.August 2019 -
ViDA: a VlasovDArwin solver for plasma physics at electron scales Article
Journal of Plasma Physics, 85(5), 905850506:1-905850506:25.O. Pezzi (Oreste), G. Cozzani (Giulia), F. Califano, F. Valentini (Francesco), M. Guarrasi (Massimiliano), E. Camporeale (Enrico), G. Brunetti (Gianfranco), A. Retinò and P. Veltri (Pierluigi)
September 2019 -
Space-filter techniques for quasi-neutral hybrid-kinetic models Article
Physics of Plasmas, 27(8), 082102:1-082102:16.August 2020