Cracking a Scientific Database January 2004 - December 2009
Estimating the compression fraction of an index using sampling In Proceedings
S. Idreos (Stratos), R. Kaushik, V. Narasayya and R. Ramamurthy
March 2010 -
Benchmarking adaptive indexing In Proceedings
G. Goetz, S. Idreos (Stratos), H. Kuno and S. Manegold (Stefan)
September 2010 -
Front Matter: Letter from the Guest Editors Article
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 6(8), 10-10.June 2013 -
Transactional support for adaptive indexing Article
VLDB Journal, 23(2), 303-328.G. Graefe, F Halim, S. Idreos (Stratos), H. Kuno, S. Manegold (Stefan), J.N. de Sa (Joao) and B. Seeger
April 2014