The SciLens-II Infrastructure, Big Data at work July 2016 - September 2020
GIS Navigation Boosted by Column Stores Article
VLDB Journal, 8(12)F. Alvanaki (Foteini), R.A. Pereira Goncalves (Romulo Antonio), M.G. Ivanova (Milena), M.L. Kersten (Martin) and K. Kyzirakos (Konstantinos)
January 2015 -
Capturing the Laws of (Data) Nature In Proceedings
H.F. Mühleisen (Hannes), M.L. Kersten (Martin) and S. Manegold (Stefan)
January 2015 -
Genome sequence analysis with MonetDB: a case study on Ebola virus diversity In Proceedings
C.P. Cijvat (Robin), S. Manegold (Stefan), M.L. Kersten (Martin), G.W. Klau (Gunnar), A. Schönhuth (Alexander), T. Marschall (Tobias) and Y. Zhang (Ying)
March 2015 -
Genome sequence analysis with MonetDB - A case study on Ebola virus diversity Article
Datenbank Spektrum, 15(5), 185-191.C.P. Cijvat (Robin), S. Manegold (Stefan), M.L. Kersten (Martin), G.W. Klau (Gunnar), A. Schönhuth (Alexander), T. Marschall (Tobias) and Y. Zhang (Ying)
November 2015 -
Adaptive query parallelization in multi-core column stores In Proceedings
March 2016 -
Cluster-driven navigation of the query space Article
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 28(5), 1118-1131.May 2016 -
Multi-core column-store parallelization under concurrent workload In Proceedings
M.M. Gawade (Mrunal), M.L. Kersten (Martin) and A. Simitsis (Alkis)
June 2016 -
June 2016