Quantum Computer Science September 2010 - August 2013
Uniform approximation by (quantum) polynomials Article
International Journal of Quantum Information, 11(3-4), 215-225.January 2011 -
Near-optimal and explicit Bell inequality violations In Proceedings
H.M. Buhrman (Harry), O. Regev (Oded), G. Scarpa (Giannicola) and R.M. de Wolf (Ronald)
January 2011 -
Quantum proofs for classical theorems Article
Theory of ComputingJanuary 2011 -
Complete Insecurity of Quantum Protocols for Classical Two-Party Computation Article
Physical Review LettersH.M. Buhrman (Harry), M. Christandl (Matthias) and C. Schaffner (Christian)
January 2012 -
Linear vs semidefinite extended formulations: Exponential separation and strong lower bounds In Proceedings
S. Fiorini, S. Massar (Serge), S. Pokutta (Sebastian), H.R. Tiwary and R.M. de Wolf (Ronald)
January 2012 -
Classical Simulation of Entanglement Swapping with Bounded Communication Article
Physical Review Letters, 109(10)C. Branciard (Cyril), N. Brunner (Nicolas), H.M. Buhrman (Harry), R.E. Cleve (Richard), N. Gisin (Nicolas), S. Portmann (Samuel), Denis Rosset and M. Szegedy (Mario)
January 2012 -
New bounds on the classical and quantum communication complexity of some graph properties In Proceedings
G. Ivanyos, H. Klauck (Hartmut), T. J. Lee (Troy), M. Santha (Miklos) and R.M. de Wolf (Ronald)
January 2012 -
Explicit Lower and Upper Bounds on the Entangled Value of Multiplayer XOR Games Article
Communications in Mathematical PhysicsDecember 2012