Reconstructing the interactions between cells and extracellular matrix during angiogenesis April 2011 - August 2017
An in silico study on the role of smooth muscle cell migration in neointimal formation after coronary stenting. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 12(108), 20150358. Article
Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 12(108)H. Tahir (Hannan), I. Niculescu (Ioana), C. Bona-Casa, R.M.H. Merks (Roeland) and A.G. Hoekstra (Alfons)
June 2015 -
Particle-based simulation of ellipse-shaped particle aggregation as a model for vascular network formation Article
Computational Particle Mechanics, 1-9.August 2015 -
Multiscale analysis of morphogenesis Book Chapter
C.C. Antonovici (Claudiu-Cristi), S.E.M. Boas (Sonja), E.G. Rens (Lisanne), H. Tahir (Hannan) and R.M.H. Merks (Roeland)
October 2015 -
A local uPAR-plasmin-TGFβ1 positive feedback loop in a qualitative computational model of angiogenic sprouting explains the in vitro effect of fibrinogen variants Article
PLoS Computational Biology, 14(7), e1006239:1-e1006239:29.S.E.M. Boas (Sonja), J. Carvalho (Joao), M. van den Broek (Marloes), E.M. Weijers (Ester), M.-J. Goumans (Marie-José), P. Koolwijk (Pieter) and R.M.H. Merks (Roeland)
July 2018 -
Adapting a plant tissue model to animal development: Introducing cell sliding into VirtualLeaf Article
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 3322-3341.H.B. Wolff (Henri), L.A. Davidson (Lance) and R.M.H. Merks (Roeland)
March 2019 -
Somite Division and New Boundary Formation by Mechanical Strain Article
iScience, 23(4)B.K.A. Nelemans, (Ben), M. Schmitz (Manuel), H. Tahir (Hannan), R.M.H. Merks (Roeland) and T.H. Smit (Theodoor)
April 2020 -
Autocrine inhibition of cell motility can drive epithelial branching morphogenesis in the absence of growth Article
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 375(1807)E.G. Rens (Lisanne), M.T. Zeegers (Mathé), I. Rabbers (Iraes), A. Szabó (Andras) and R.M.H. Merks (Roeland)
July 2020 -
Cell Shape and Durotaxis Explained from Cell-Extracellular Matrix Forces and Focal Adhesion Dynamics Article
iScience, 23(9)September 2020