Service Optimization and Quality August 2009 - October 2013
A fluid model analysis of streaming media in the presence of time-varying bandwidth In Proceedings
J.W. Bosman (Joost), R.D. van der Mei (Rob) and R. Núñez Queija (Rudesindo)
September 2012 -
Stochastic optimal control for a general class of dynamic resource allocation problems Article
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review, 41(2), 3-14.X. Gao, Y. Lu, M. Sharma, M.S. Squillante (Mark) and J.W. Bosman (Joost)
September 2013 -
A spectral theory approach for extreme value analysis in a tandem of fluid queues Article
Queueing Systems, 78(2), 121-154.February 2014 -
August 2014
Autonomous Runtime QoS Control for Composite Services in Service Oriented Architecture In Proceedings
January 2015