Practical Approaches to Secure Computation October 2005 - September 2009
CCA2 Secure IBE: Standard Model Efficiency through Authenticated Symmetric Encryption In Proceedings
January 2008 -
Identity-Based Signatures Book Chapter
January 2008 -
The Twin Diffie-Hellman Problem and Applications In Proceedings
April 2008 -
Searchable Encryption Revisited: Consistency Properties, Relation to Anonymous IBE, and Extensions Article
Journal of Cryptology, 21(3), 350-391.M. Abdalla, M. Bellare, D. Catalano, E. Kiltz (Eike), T. Kohno, T. Lange, G. Neven, P. Paillier and H. Shi
July 2008 -
Generalized Key Delegation for Hierarchical Identity-Based Encryption Article
IET Information Security, 2(3), 67-78.September 2008 -
Chosen Ciphertext Security with Optimal Ciphertext Overhead In Proceedings
December 2008