VIA M July 2008 - December 2009
January 2005
P2P XQuery and the StreetTiVo application In Proceedings
October 2006 -
November 2006
Integrating XQuery and P2P in MonetDB/XQuery* In Proceedings
January 2007 -
Towards P2P XML Database Technology In Proceedings
September 2007 -
Personalization on a peer-to-peer television system Article
International Journal on Multimedia Tools and Applications, 36(1-2), 89-113.M. Waaijers (Max), J. Wang (Jun), J.A. Pouwelse, J. Fokker, A.P. de Vries (Arjen) and M.J.T. Reinders
January 2008 -
Flexible and efficient IR using array databases Article
VLDB Journal, 17(1), 151-168.R. Cornacchia (Roberto), S. A. B. C. Héman (Sándor), M. Zukowski (Marcin), A.P. de Vries (Arjen) and P.A. Boncz (Peter)
January 2008 -
An Empirical Evaluation of XQuery Processors Article
Information Systems Journal, 203-220.April 2008