Nature Communications
Published by Nature Publishing Group
Information-Theoretic Implications of Quantum Causal Structures Article
Nature CommunicationsR. Chaves (Rafael), C. Majenz (Christian) and D. Gross (David)
January 2015 -
Genome of the Netherlands population-specific imputations identify an ABCA6 variant associated with cholesterol levels Article
Nature CommunicationsE.M. van Leeuwen (Elisa), C.M. van Duijn (Cornelia), The Genome of the Netherlands Consortium, not CWI et al, T. Marschall (Tobias) and A. Schönhuth (Alexander)
March 2015 -
Memory of cell shape biases stochastic fate decision-making despite mitotic rounding Article
Nature CommunicationsAkanuma, T. (Takashi), Chen, C. (Cong), Sato, T. (Tetsuo), R.M.H. Merks (Roeland) and Sato, T.N. (Thomas N.)
June 2016 -
Glycolytic regulation of cell rearrangement in angiogenesis Article
Nature CommunicationsB. Cruys (Bert), B.W. Wong (Brian), A. Kuchnio (Anna), D. Verdegem (Dries), A.R. Cantelmo (Anna Rita), L.-C. Conradi (Lena-Christin), S. Vandekeere (Saar), A. Bouche (Ann), I. Cornelissen (Ivo), S. Vinckier (Stefan), et al. R.M.H. Merks (Roeland), E. Dejana (Elisabetta), H. Gerhardt (Holger), M. Dewerchin (Mieke), K. Bentley (Katie) and P. Carmeliet (Peter)
July 2016 -
A high-quality human reference panel reveals the complexity and distribution of genomic structural variants Article
Nature Communications, 7(12989)October 2016 -
A high-quality human reference panel reveals the complexity and distribution of genomic structural variants Article
Nature CommunicationsJ.Y. Hehir-Kwa (Jayne), T. Marschall (Tobias), W.P. Kloosterman (Wigard), L.C. Francioli (Laurent), J.A. Baaijens (Jasmijn), L.J. Dijkstra (Louis), A. Abdellaoui (Abdel), V. Koval (Vyacheslav), D.T. Thung, () (Djie Tjwan), R. Wardenaar (René), et al. I. Renkens (Ivo), B.P. Coe (Bradley), P. Deelen (Patrick), J. de Ligt (Joep), E.-W. Lameijer (Eric-Wubbo), F. van Dijk (Freerk), F. Hormozdiari (Fereydoun), A.G. Uitterlinden (André), C.M. van Duijn (Cornelia), E.E. Eichler (Evan), P.I.W. de Bakker (Paul), M.A. Swertz (Morris), C. Wijmenga (Cisca), G.-J.B. van Ommen (Gert-Jan), P.E. Slagboom (Eline), D.I. Boomsma (Dorret), A. Schönhuth (Alexander), K. Ye (Kai), V. Guryev (Victor), J.A. Bovenberg (Jasper), A.J.M. de Craen (Anton), M. Beekman (Marian), A. Hofman (Albert), G. Willemsen (Gonneke), B. Wolffenbuttel (Bruce), M. Platteel (Mathieu), Y. Du (Yuanping), R. Chen (Ruoyan), H. Cao (Hongzhi), R. Cao (Rui), Y. Sun (Yushen), J.S. Cao (Jeremy Sujie), P.B.T. Neerincx (Pieter), M. Dijkstra (Martijn), G. Byelas (George), A. Kanterakis (Alexandros), J. Bot (Jan), M. Vermaat (Martijn), J.F.J. Laros (Jeroen), J.T. den Dunnen (Johan), P. de Knijff (Peter), L.C. Karssen (Lennart), E.M. van Leeuwen (Elisa), N. Amin (Najaf), F. Rivadeneira (Fernando), K. Estrada (Karol), J.-J. Hottenga (Jouke-Jan), V.M. Kattenberg (Mathijs), D. van Enckevort (David), H. Mei (Hailiang), M. Santcroos (Mark), B.D.C. van Schaik (Barbera), R.E. Handsaker (Robert), S.A. McCarroll (Steven), A. Ko (Arthur), P. Sudmant (Peter) and I.J. Nijman (Isaac)
October 2016 -
Continuous-variable protocol for oblivious transfer in the noisy-storage model Article
Nature CommunicationsF. Furrer (Fabian), T. Gehring (Tobias), C. Schaffner (Christian), C. Pacher (Christoph), R. Schnabel (Roman) and S.D.C. Wehner (Stephanie)
December 2018 -
Facial recognition from DNA using face-to-DNA classifiers Article
Nature Communications, 10(1), 2557:1-2557:12.D. Sero (Dzemila), A. Zaidi (Arslan), J. Li (Jiarui), J.D. White (Julie), T.B.G. González Zarzar (Tomás), M.L. Marazita (Mary), S.M. Weinberg (Seth), P. Suetens (Paul), D. Vandermeulen (Dirk), J.K. Wagner (Jennifer), et al. M.D. Shriver (Mark) and P. Claes (Peter)
July 2019