Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment
- ISSN: 2150-8097
Published by Association for Computing Machinery
LDBC Graphalytics: A benchmark for large-scale graph analysis on parallel and distributed platforms In Proceedings
A. Iosup (Alexandru), T. Hegeman (Tim), W.L. Ngai (Wing Lung), S. Heldens (Stijn), A. Prat, T. Manhardt (Thomas), H. Chafi (Hassan), M. Capotă (Mihai), N. Sundaram (Narayanan), M. Anderson (Michael), et al. I.G. Tănase (Ilie Gabriel), Y. Xia (Yinglong), L. Nai (Lifeng) and P.A. Boncz (Peter)
September 2016 -
August 2017
Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Compiled and Vectorized Queries But Were Afraid to Ask In Proceedings
T. Kersten (Timo), V. Leis (Viktor), A. Kemper (Alfons), T. Neumann (Thomas), A. Pavlo (Andrew) and P.A. Boncz (Peter)
January 2018 -
Performance-Optimal Filtering:Bloom Overtakes Cuckoo at High Throughput In Proceedings
H. Lang (Harald), T. Neumann (Thomas), A. Kemper (Alfons) and P.A. Boncz (Peter)
January 2019 -
Progressive Indexes: Indexing for interactive data analysis In Proceedings
P.T. Timbó Holanda (Pedro), M. Raasveldt (Mark), S. Manegold (Stefan) and H.F. Mühleisen (Hannes)
December 2019 -
Delta lake: high-performance ACID table storage over cloud object stores In Proceedings
M. Armbrust (Michael), T. Das (Tathagata), L. Sun (Liwen), B. Yavuz (Burak), S. Zhu (Shixiong), M. Murthy (Mukul), J. Torres (Joseph), H. van Hovell (Herman), A. Ionescu (Adrian), A. Łuszczak, et al. M. Switakowski, M. Szafranski (Michal), X. Li (Xiao), T. Ueshin (Takuya), M. Mokthar (Mostafa), P.A. Boncz (Peter), A. Ghodsi (Ali), S. Paranjpye (Sameer), P. Senster (Pieter), R. Xin (Reynold) and M. Zaharia (Matei)
September 2020 -
FSST: Fast random access string compression In Proceedings
P.A. Boncz (Peter), T. Neumann (Thomas) and V. Leis (Viktor)
September 2020 -
Cuckoo index: a lightweight secondary index structure Article
A. Kipf (Andreas), D. Chromejko (Damian), A. Hall (Alexander), P.A. Boncz (Peter) and D.G. Andersen (David)
October 2020