Mathematical Structures in Computer Science
- ISSN: 0960-1295
Published by Cambridge U.P.
Processes as terms: non-well-founded models for bisimulation Article
Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, 2(3), 257-275.January 1992 -
Fibrations with indeterminates: contextual and functional completeness for polymorphic lambda calculi In Proceedings
January 1995 -
On the foundations of final coalgebra semantics: non-well-founded sets, partial orders, metric spaces Article
Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, 8(5), 481-540.January 1998 -
Reo: A Channel-based Coordination Model for Component Composition Article
Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, 14(3), 329-366.June 2004 -
A coinductive calculus of streams Article
Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, 93-147.January 2005 -
On the axiomatizability of priority Article
Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, 18(1), 5-28.L. Aceto (Luca), T. Chen (Taolue), W.J. Fokkink (Wan) and A. Ingólfsdóttir
February 2008 -
Pointwise Extensions of GSOS-Defined Operations Article
Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, 21(2), 321-361.January 2011 -
Expressiveness modulo bisimilarity of regular expressions with parallel composition Article
Mathematical Structures in Computer ScienceJ.C.M. Baeten (Jos), S.P. Luttik (Bas), T. Muller (Tim) and P.J.A. van Tilburg (Paul)
January 2015