Journal of Mathematical Physics
- ISSN: 0022-2488
Published by American Institute of Physics
Percolation Theory on Pairs of Matching Lattices Article
Journal of Mathematical Physics, 22(1), 152-157.January 1981 -
Sum rule for products of Bessel functions: comments on a paper by Newberger"New sum rule for products of Bessel functins with application to plasme physics" Article
Journal of Mathematical Physics, 23(7), 1278-1281.January 1982 -
Meixner-Pollaczek polynomials and the Heisenberg algebra Article
Journal of Mathematical Physics, 30(4), 767-769.January 1989 -
The absolute rigidity of the Neveu-Schwarz and Ramond superalgebras Article
Journal of Mathematical Physics, 37(11), 5858-5868.January 1996 -
Differential Hopf algebra structures on the universal enveloping algebra of a Lie algebra Article
Journal of Mathematical Physics, 37(1), 524-532.January 1996 -
First order analytic difference equations and integrable quantum systems Article
Journal of Mathematical Physics, 38(2), 1069-1146.January 1997 -
Generalized Lamé functions II. Hyperbolic and trigonometric specializations Article
Journal of Mathematical Physics, 40(3), 1627-1663.January 1999 -
Generalized Lamé functions I. The elliptic case Article
Journal of Mathematical Physics, 40(3), 1595-1626.January 1999