preprint (not CWI, to be used with submitted papers)
That obscure object of desire: multimedia metadata on the web Tech Report
F.-M. Nack (Frank), J.R. van Ossenbruggen (Jacco) and L. Hardman (Lynda)
January 2003 -
December 2010
January 2011
Proving language inclusion and equivalence by coinduction Tech Report
J.C. Rot (Jurriaan), M.M. Bonsangue (Marcello) and J.J.M.M. Rutten (Jan)
January 2015 -
Coalgebraic semantics of heavy-weighted automata Tech Report
M. Fortin (Marie), M.M. Bonsangue (Marcello) and J.J.M.M. Rutten (Jan)
January 2015 -
Enhanced coalgebraic bisimulation Tech Report
J.C. Rot (Jurriaan), F. Bonchi (Filippo), M.M. Bonsangue (Marcello), D. Pous (Damien), J.J.M.M. Rutten (Jan) and A.M. Silva (Alexandra)
January 2015 -
A Large Deviation based Splitting Estimation of Power Flow Reliability Tech Report
W.S. Wadman (Wander), D.T. Crommelin (Daan) and A.P. Zwart (Bert)
January 2016 -
Clustering-based collocation for uncertainty propagation with multivariate correlated inputs Tech Report
A.W. Eggels (Anne), D.T. Crommelin (Daan) and J.A.S. Witteveen (Jeroen)
August 2016