BMC Public Health
- ISSN: 1471-2458
Published by BMC
Identifying socio-demographic risk factors for suicide data on an individual level Article
BMC Public Health, 1702:1-1702:8.G.A. Berkelmans (Guus), R. Gilissen (Renske), S. Bhulai (Sandjai) and R.D. van der Mei (Rob)
September 2021 -
Detecting changes in help seeker conversations on a suicide prevention helpline during the COVID− 19 pandemic: in-depth analysis using encoder representations from transformers Article
BMC Public Health, 530:1-530:10.S. Salmi (Salim), S. Mérelle (Saskia), R. Gilissen (Renske), R.D. van der Mei (Rob) and S. Bhulai (Sandjai)
March 2022 -
Forecasting call and chat volumes at online helplines for mental health Article
BMC Public Health, 23(1)T.R. de Boer (Tim), S. Mérelle (Saskia), S. Bhulai (Sandjai), R. Gilissen (Renske) and R.D. van der Mei (Rob)
May 2023