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Published July 10, 2023 | Version 1.0.0
Dataset Restricted

G-REx: A Real-World Dataset of Group Emotion Experiences based on Physiological Data

  • 1. IT, IST
  • 2. IT
  • 3. CWI, TU Delft


G-REX is a novel dataset for real-world affective computing, with data collected in a naturalistic setting during movie sessions. Group physiological data (Photoplethysmography – PPG and Electrodermal Activity – EDA) are collected using a wrist-worn unobtrusive device and emotion ground-truth annotation is performed retrospectively, based on selected segments where each subject showed an elevated physiological response. In total, we provide data over 14 movie sessions, making a total of more than 300 hours of physiological data collected over 100+ subjects in groups.



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Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia
2020.06675.BD – Sentic State Assessment in a Connected World 2020.06675.BD