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An introduction to Semantic
Web and Linked Data
or how to link data and
schemas on the web
a W3C tutorial by
Fabien Gandon,, @fabien_gandon
Ivan Herman,
semantic web
mentioned by Tim BL
in 1994 at WWW
[Tim Berners-Lee 1994,]
don’t read
the sign
you loose!
machines don’t.
we identify and interpret information,
RDFstands for
Resource: pages, dogs, ideas...
everything that can have a URI
Description: attributes, features, and
relations of the resources
Framework: model, languages and
syntaxes for these descriptions
RDFis a triple model i.e. every
piece of knowledge is broken down into
( subject , predicate , object )
doc.html has for author Fabien
and has for theme Music
doc.html has for author Fabien
doc.html has for theme Music
( doc.html , author , Fabien )
( doc.html , theme , Music )
( subject , predicate , object )
a triplethe RDF atom
RDFis also a graph model
to link the descriptions of resources
RDFtriples can be seen as arcs
of a graph (vertex,edge,vertex)
( doc.html , author , Fabien )
( doc.html , theme , Music )
open and link data in a
global giant graph
RDFin values of properties can also be
literals i.e. strings of characters
( doc.html , author , Fabien )
( doc.html , theme , "Music" )
RDF< /> has an XML syntax
xmlns:inria="" >
<inria:author rdf:resource=
RDFhas other syntaxes
(Turtle, JSON, Triple)
@prefix rdf:
<> .
@prefix inria: <> .
<> ;
inria:theme "Music" .
writing rules for RDF triples
• the subject is always a resource (never a literal)
• properties are binary relations and their types are
identified by URIs
• the value is a resource or a literal
blank nodes (bnodes)
"My Life"
handy anonymous nodes (existential quantification)
there exist a resource such that… {  r ; …}
<rdf:Description rdf:about=" ">
<title>My Life</title>
[surname "Doe" ;
firstname "John" . ] ;
title "My Life" .
XML schema datatypes & literals
standard literals are xsd:string
type literals with datatypes from XML Schema
<rdf:Description rdf:about="#Fabien">
<teaching rdf:datatype="">
<birth rdf:datatype="">
#Fabien teaching "true"^^xsd:boolean ;
birth "1975-07-31"^^xsd:date .
#Fabien "true"^^xsd:boolean
XML Schema datatypes
<title xml:lang=‘fr’>Seigneur des anneaux</title>
<title xml:lang=‘en’>Lord of the rings</title>
<Book> title "Seigneur des anneaux"@fr ;
title "Lord of the rings"@en .
literals with languages and without are disjoint
“Fabien”  “Fabien”@en  “Fabien”@fr
typing resources
using URIs to identify the types
<urn://~fgandon> rdf:type <>
a resource can have several types
<urn://~fgandon> rdf:type <>
<urn://~fgandon> rdf:type <>
<urn://~fgandon> rdf:type <>
<rdf:Description rdf:about="urn://~fgandon">
<rdf:type rdf:resource="" />
<in:Person rdf:about="urn://~fgandon">
a in:Person ;
name "Fabien" .
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=""
<rdf:Description rdf:about="">
<rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
<exs:theme rdf:resource=""/>
<exs:theme rdf:resource=""/>
<exs:nbPages rdf:datatype="">23</exs:nbPages>
meaning ?
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=""
<rdf:Description rdf:about="">
<rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
<exs:theme rdf:resource=""/>
<exs:theme rdf:resource=""/>
<exs:nbPages rdf:datatype="">23</exs:nbPages>
</rdf:RDF> exs:Report
bags = unordered groups
<rdf:Description rdf:about="#">
<rdf:li>Ivan Herman</rdf:li>
<rdf:li>Fabien Gandon</rdf:li>
<#> author _:a
_:a rdf:_1 “Ivan Herman”
_:a rdf:_2 “Fabien Gandon”
<#> author [
a rdf:Bag ;
rdf:li "Ivan Herman" ;
rdf:li "Fabien Gandon" . ] .
ordered group of resources or literals
<rdf:Description rdf:about="#partition">
<rdf:li rdf:about="#C"/>
<rdf:li rdf:about="#C"/>
<rdf:li rdf:about="#C"/>
<rdf:li rdf:about="#D"/>
<rdf:li rdf:about="#E"/>
contains [
a rdf:Seq ;
rdf:li "C" ;
rdf:li "C" ;
rdf:li "C" ;
rdf:li "D" ;
rdf:li "E" .
] .
alternativese.g. title of a book in different languages
<rdf:Description rdf:about="#book">
<rdf:li xml:lang="fr">l’homme qui prenait sa femme
pour un chapeau</rdf:li>
<rdf:li xml:lang="en">the man who mistook his wife
for a hat</rdf:li>
title [
a rdf:Alt ;
rdf:li "l’homme…"@fr ;
rdf:li "the man…"@en .
] .
collectionexhaustive and ordered list
<rdf:Description rdf:about="#week">
<dividedIn rdf:parseType="Collection">
<rdf:Description rdf:about="#monday"/>
<rdf:Description rdf:about="#tuesday"/>
<rdf:Description rdf:about="#wednesday"/>
<rdf:Description rdf:about="#thursday"/>
<rdf:Description rdf:about="#friday"/>
<rdf:Description rdf:about="#saturday"/>
<rdf:Description rdf:about="#sunday"/>
<#week> dividedIn
( <#monday> <#tuesday> <#wednesday>
<#thursday> <#friday> <#saturday> <#sunday>
) .
• extensible vocabulary based on URIs
• anyone can say anything about anything
linkto the world
May 2007 April 2008 September 2008
March 2009
September 2010
Linking Open Data
Linking Open Data cloud diagram, by Richard Cyganiak and Anja Jentzsch.
September 2011
10/10/2006 28/04/2007 14/11/2007 01/06/2008 18/12/2008 06/07/2009 22/01/2010 10/08/2010 26/02/2011 14/09/2011 01/04/2012
thematic content
Number of
Number of
% Out links %
Media 25 1 841 852 061 5,82 % 50 440 705 10,01 %
Geography 31 6145 532 484 19,43 % 35 812 328 7,11 %
Government 49 13 315 009 400 42,09 % 19 343 519 3,84 %
Publications 87 2 950 720 693 9,33 % 139 925 218 27,76 %
Inter-domain 41 4 184 635 715 13,23 % 63 183 065 12,54 %
Life Sciences 41 3 036 336 004 9,60 % 191 844 090 38,06 %
Users’ content 20 134 127 413 0,42 % 3 449 143 0,68 %
295 31 634 213 770 503 998 829
Life Sciences
Users' content
 Use RDF as data format
 Use URIs as names for things
 Use HTTP URIs so that people can look up those names
 When someone looks up a URI, provide useful information
(RDF, HTML, etc.) using content negotiation
 Include links to other URIs so that related things can be
query SPARQL
publish RDF
follow your nose include links
DNShe who controls the name
controls the access
ex. & Libya
Plugin Gephi
RDF 1.1 ?
• standardize Turtle syntax
• standardize a JSON syntax
• named graphs
query with SPARQL
SPARQL Protocol and RDF
Query Language
SPARQL in 3 parts
part 1: query language
part 2: result format
part 3: access protocol
SPARQL query
FROM ...
WHERE { ... }
examplepersons at least 18-year old
PREFIX ex: <>
SELECT ?person ?name
?person rdf:type ex:Person .
?person ex:name ?name .
?person ex:age ?age .
FILTER (?age > 17)
left left
left(x,?p) left(?p,z)
u v
left left
graph mapping / projection
classical three clauses:
– Select: clause to select the values to be returned
– Where: triple/graph pattern to match
– Filter: constraints expressed using test functions
(XPath 2.0 or external)
SPARQL triples
• triples and question marks for variables:
?x rdf:type ex:Person
• graph patterns to match:
SELECT ?subject ?proprerty ?value
WHERE {?subject ?proprerty ?value}
• a pattern is, by default, a conjunction of triples
{ ?x rdf:type ex:Person .
?x ex:name ?name . }
• Query:
?x name ?name .
?x email ?email .
• Base:
_:a name "Fabien"
_:b name "Thomas"
_:c name "Lincoln"
_:d name "Aline"
_:b email <>
_:a email <>
_:d email <>
_:a email <>
• Results ?
to use namespaces:
PREFIX mit: <>
PREFIX foaf: <>
SELECT ?student
?student mit:registeredAt ?x .
?x foaf:homepage <> .
Base namespace : BASE <…>
SPARQL result
failure/ success
values found
result formats
• a binding i.e. list of all the selected values
(SELECT) for each answer found;
(stable XML format ; e.g. for XSLT transformations)
• RDF sub-graphs for each answer found
(RDF/XML format ; e.g. for application integration)
• JSON (eg. ajax web applications)
• CSV/TSV (eg. export)
example of binding
results for previous query in XML
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<sparql xmlns="">
<variable name="student"/>
<results ordered="false" distinct="false">
<binding name="student">
<binding name="student">
simplified syntax
triples with a common subject:
SELECT ?name ?fname
?x a Person;
name ?name ;
firstname ?fname ;
author ?y . }
list of values
?x firstname "Fabien", "Lucien" .
blank node
[firstname "Fabien"] or [] firstname "Fabien"
SELECT ?name ?fname
?x rdf:type Person .
?x name ?name .
?x firstname ?fname .
?x author ?y .
PREFIX mit: <>
PREFIX foaf: <>
FROM http//
SELECT ?student
?student mit:registeredAt ?x .
?x foaf:homepage <> .
optional part
PREFIX mit: <>
PREFIX foaf: <>
SELECT ?student ?name
?student mit:registeredAt ?x .
?x foaf:homepage <> .
OPTIONAL {? student foaf:name ?name . }
possibly unbound
alternative graph patterns
PREFIX mit: <>
PREFIX foaf: <>
SELECT ?student ?name
?student mit:registeredAt ?x .
?x foaf:homepage <> .
?x foaf:homepage <> .
sort, filter and limit answers
PREFIX mit: <>
PREFIX foaf: <>
SELECT ?student ?name
?student mit:registeredAt ?x .
?x foaf:homepage <> .
?student foaf:name ?name .
? student foaf:age ?age .
FILTER (?age > 22)
ORDER BY ?name
students older than 22 years sorted by name
results from number #21 to #40
• Inside the FILTER:
– Comparators: <, >, =, <=, >=, !=
– Tests on variables : isURI(?x), isBlank(?x),
isLiteral(?x), bound(?x)
– Regular expression regex(?x, "A.*")
– Attributes and values: lang(), datatype(), str()
– Casting: xsd:integer(?x)
– External functions and extensions
– Boolean combinations: &&, ||
• In the where WHERE: @fr , ^^xsd:integer
• In the SELECT: distinct
other functions (v 1.1)
isNumeric(Val) test it is a numeric value
coalesce(val,…, val) first valid value
IRI(Str)/URI(Str) to build an iri/uri from a string
BNODE(ID) to build a blank node
RAND() random value between 0 and 1
ABS(Val) absolute value
NOW() today’s date
DAY(Date), HOURS(Date), MINUTES(Date),
TIMEZONE(Date), TZ(Date), YEAR(Date)
to access different parts of a date
MD5(Val), SHA1(Val), SHA256(Val),
SHA384(Val), SHA512(Val) hash functions
string / literal functions (v1.1)
STRDT(value, type) build a typed literal
STRLANG(value, lang) build a literal with a language
CONCAT(lit1,…,litn) concatenate a list of literal
CONTAINS(lit1,lit2), STRSTARTS(lit1,lit2),
to test string inclusion
SUBSTR(lit, start [,length]) extract a sub string
ENCODE_FOR_URI (Str) encodes a string as URI
UCASE (Str), LCASE (Str) uppercase and lowercase
STRLEN (Str) length of the string
group by + count, sum, min, max,
avg, group_concat, or sample
ex. average scores, grouped by the subject, but
only where the mean is greater than 10
SELECT (AVG(?score) AS ?average)
WHERE { ?student score ?score . }
GROUP BY ?student
HAVING(AVG(?score) > 10)
PREFIX ex: <>
SELECT ?person
?person rdf:type ?type .
FILTER(! ( ?type = ex:Man ))
minussubstract a pattern
PREFIX ex: <>
SELECT ?person
{ ?x rdf:type ex:Person }
minus {?x rdf:type ex:Man}
not existcheck the absence of a pattern
PREFIX ex: <>
SELECT ?person
?x ex:memberOf ?org .
filter (not exists
{?y ex:memberOf <Hell>})
if… then… else
prefix foaf: <>
select * where {
?x foaf:name ?name ; foaf:age ?age .
filter (
if (langMatches( lang(?name), "FR"),
?age>=18, ?age>=21) )
test a value is in / not in a list
prefix foaf: <>
select * where {
?x foaf:name ?n .
filter (?n in ("fabien", "olivier",
"catherine") )
valuespre-defined bindings
select ?person where {
?person name ?name .
VALUES (?name)
{ "Peter" "Pedro" "Pierre" }
prefix foaf: <>
select ?friends_fab where {
?x foaf:name "Fabien Gandon" ;
foaf:knows+ ?friends_fab ;
/ : sequence
| : alternative
+ : one or several
* : zero or several
? : optional
^ : reverse
! : negation
{min,max} : length
select expression
select ?x (year(?date) as ?year)
where {
?x birthdate ?date .
subquery / nested query
select ?name where {
{select (max(?age) as ?max)
where { ?person age ?age }
?senior age ?max
?senior name ?name
construct RDF as result
PREFIX mit: <>
PREFIX corp: <>
{ ?student rdf:type corp:FuturExecutive . }
{ ?student rdf:type mit:Student . }
free description
PREFIX mit: <>
DESCRIBE ?student
{ ?student rdf:type mit:Student . }
SPARQL protocol
exchange queries and their
results through the web
e.g. DBpedia
example in biology…
(June 2012)
process demo
• one-click setup
• import raw data
• transform to RDF
• publish on the web
• query online
Test on DBpedia
• Connect to: or or …
• Query:
?x rdfs:label "Paris"@fr .
?x ?p ?v .
Linked Data PlatformREST like access to LD resources & containers
HTTP for accessing, updating, creating and deleting
resources from linked data servers.
Content-Type: text/turtle
<fab> a foaf:Person ;
rdfs:label "Fabien" ;
foaf:mbox <> .
semantic web: linked data and semantics of schemas
a little semantics in a world of links
had typed links…
the original web
what is the last
you read?
{ }
your answer relies on a
shared ontology
we infer from it
we all understood
Novel Short Story
#47 #48
"short story"
#21  #12
#48  #21#47  #21
#21  #12
#48  #21#47  #21
knowledge formalized
#47 #48
to formalize
RDFS means RDF Schema
RDFS provides primitives to Write
lightweight ontologies
RDFS to define classes of resources
and organize their hierarchy
RDFS to define relations between
resources, their signature
and organize their hierarchy
Document Person
FO  R  GF  GRmapping modulo an ontology
an old schema of RDFS
example of RDFS schema
<rdf:RDF xml:base =""
xmlns:rdf =""
xmlns =">
<Class rdf:ID="Man">
<subClassOf rdf:resource="#Person"/>
<subClassOf rdf:resource="#Male"/>
<label xml:lang="en">man</label>
<comment xml:lang="en">an adult male person</comment>
<Man> a Class ; subClassOf <Person>, <Male> .
example of RDFS properties
<rdf:RDF xml:base =""
xmlns:rdf =""
xmlns =">
<rdf:Property rdf:ID="hasMother">
<subPropertyOf rdf:resource="#hasParent"/>
<range rdf:resource="#Female"/>
<domain rdf:resource="#Human"/>
<label xml:lang="en">has for mother</label>
<comment xml:lang="en">to have for parent a female.
<hasMother> a rdf:Property ;
subPropertyOf <hasParent> ;
range <Female> ; domain <Human> .
example of RDF using this schema
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf ="
xml:base="" >
<rdf:Description rdf:ID="Lucas">
<hasMother rdf:resource="#Laura"/>
<Man rdf:ID="Lucas">
<hasMother rdf:resource="#Laura"/>
<Luca> a Man; hasMother <Laura> .
a resource may have one or more labels in
one or more natural language
<rdf:Property rdf:ID='name'>
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource='Person'/>
<rdfs:range rdf:resource='&rdfs;Literal'/>
<rdfs:label xml:lang='fr'>nom</rdfs:label>
<rdfs:label xml:lang='fr'>nom de famille</rdfs:label>
<rdfs:label xml:lang='en'>name</rdfs:label>
<name> a rdf:Property ;
range rdfs:Literal ; domain <Person> ;
label "nom"@fr, "nom de famille"@fr, "name"@en .
rdfs:comment & rdfs:seeAlso
comments provide definitions and explanations in natural
<rdfs:Class rdf:about=‘#Woman’>
<rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="#Person"/>
<rdfs:comment xml:lang=‘fr’>une personne adulte du
sexe féminin</rdfs:comment>
<rdfs:comment xml:lang=‘en’>a female adult person
see also…
<rdfs:Class rdf:about=‘#Man’>
<rdfs:seeAlso rdf:resource=‘#Woman’/>
<Woman> a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf <Person> ;
rdfs:comment "adult femal person"@en ;
rdfs:comment "une adulte de sexe féminin"@fr .
<Man> a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:seeAlso <Woman> .
CORESE/ KGRAM [Corby et al.]
OWLprovides additional
primitives for
heavyweight ontologies
OWLin one…
 disjunction
algebraic properties
disjoint union
value restrict.
disjoint properties
qualified cardinality
individual prop. neg
chained prop.
enumerated class
define a class by providing all its members
<owl:Class rdf:id="EyeColor">
<owl:oneOf rdf:parseType="Collection">
<owl:Thing rdf:ID="Blue"/>
<owl:Thing rdf:ID="Green"/>
<owl:Thing rdf:ID="Brown"/>
<owl:Thing rdf:ID="Black"/>
classes defined by union
of other classes
<owl:unionOf rdf:parseType="Collection">
<owl:Class rdf:about="#Person"/>
<owl:Class rdf:about="#Group"/>
classes defined by intersection
of other classes
<owl:Class rdf:ID="Man">
<owl:intersectionOf rdf:parseType="Collection">
<owl:Class rdf:about="#Male"/>
<owl:Class rdf:about="#Person"/>
complement and disjunction
complement class
<owl:Class rdf:ID="Male">
<owl:complementOf rdf:resource="#Female"/>
declare a disjunction
<owl:Class rdf:ID="Square">
<owl:disjointWith rdf:resource="#Round"/>
restriction on all values
<owl:Class rdf:ID="Herbivore">
<subClassOf rdf:resource="#Animal"/>
<owl:onProperty rdf:resource="#eats" />
<owl:allValuesFrom rdf:resource="#Plant" />
restriction on some values
<owl:Class rdf:ID="Sportive">
<owl:onProperty rdf:resource="#hobby" />
<owl:someValuesFrom rdf:resource="#Sport" />
restriction to an exact value
<owl:Class rdf:ID="Bike">
<owl:onProperty rdf:resource="#nbWheels" />
restriction on cardinality
how many times a property is used for
a same subject but with different values
• Constraints: minimum, maximum, exact number
• Exemple
<owl:Class rdf:ID="Person">
<owl:onProperty rdf:resource="#name" />
types of properties
• ObjectProperty are relations between resources only
e.g. hasParent(#thomas,#stephan)
• DatatypeProperty have a literal value possibly typed
• AnnotationProperty are ignored in inferences and used
for documentation and extensions
algebraic properties
• Symmetric property, xRy  yRx
<owl:SymmetricProperty rdf:ID="hasSpouse" />
• Inverse property, xR1y  yR2x
<rdf:Property rdf:ID="hasChild">
<owl:inverseOf rdf:resource="#hasParent"/>
• Transitive property, xRy & yRz  xRz
<owl:TransitiveProperty rdf:ID="hasAncestor" />
• Functional property, xRy & xRz  y=z
<owl:FunctionalProperty rdf:ID="hasMother" />
• Inverse functional property, xRy & zRy  x=z
rdf:ID="hasSocialSecurityNumber" />
equivalencies and alignment
• equivalent classes : owl:equivalentClass
• equivalent properties: owl:equivalentProperty
• identical or different resources:
owl:sameAs, owl:differentFrom
document the schemas
description of the ontology
owl:Ontology, owl:imports, owl:versionInfo,
owl:priorVersion, owl:backwardCompatibleWith,
versions of classes and properties
owl:DeprecatedClass, owl:DeprecatedProperty
OWL profiles
EL: large numbers of properties and/or classes
and polynomial time.
QL: large volumes of instance data, and
conjunctive query answering using
conventional relational database in LOGSPACE
RL: scalable reasoning without sacrificing too
much expressive power using rule-based
reasoning in polynomial time
camps for vocabulary hackers
semantic waste separation
the web is a garbage can,
the semantic web will be a semantic garbage can.
Discovery Hub (Inria, Alcatel Bell Lucent)
Rule Interchange Format (RIF)
core and extensions
e.g. infer new relations
rule: if a member of a team is interested in a topic then
the team as a whole is interested in that topic
?person interestedBy ?topic
?person member ?team
?team interestedBy ?topic
member Team
question: forward chaining
ex:Fabien ex:activity ex:Research
ex:Fabien ex:in ex:WimmicsTeam
ex:WimmicsTeam ex:in ex:INRIASophia
ex:INRIASophia ex:in ex:INRIA
ex:WimmicsTeam ex:activity ex:Research
ex:INRIASophia ex:activity ex:Research
ex:INRIA ex:activity ex:Research
?x ex:activity ?y
?x ex:in ?z
?z ex:activity ?y
RIF Core
subset shared by most systems: add only
employee1 [function-> “executive”
bonus -> 10 ]
ForAll ?emp (?emp [ bonus -> 15 ] :-
?emp [ function -> “executive” ] )
employee1 [function -> “executive”
bonus -> 10
bonus -> 15 ]
RIF Core
monotonic Horn clause on frames
conclusion :- hyp1 and hyp2 and hyp3 …
• IRI as constants
• frames as triplets
• lists
• existential quantification in condition
• class membership and equality in condition
RIF BLD (Basic Logic Dialect)
still monotonic : no changes.
• conjunction in conclusion
• fonctions, predicates and named arguments f(?x)
Maganer(?e) :- Exists ?g (manage(?e ?g))
• disjunction in condition
• equality in conclusion
• sub-classes
RIF PRD (Production Rules Dialect)
full production rules in forward chaining
• add, delete, modify, run
• instantiate frames (new)
• negation as failure (ineg)
• no longer monotonic
Forall ?customer ?purchasesYTD
(If And( ?customer#ex:Customer
External(pred:numeric-greater-than(?purchasesYTD 5000)) )
Then Do( Modify(?customer[ex:status->"Gold"]) ) )
(from PRD Rec. Doc.)
• DTB (Datatypes and Built-Ins) : data types with their
predicates and functions
• FLD: how to specify new dialects extending BLD
• SWC : syntax and semantics to combine RIF, RDF
graphs, RDFS and OWL (RL)
... controlled
natural language expressions to refer to concepts
skos:prefLabel "corporate semantic web"@en;
skos:prefLabel "web sémantique d'entreprise"@fr;
skos:altLabel "corporate SW"@en;
skos:altLabel "CSW"@en;
skos:hiddenLabel "web semantique d'entreprise"@fr.
between conceptsinria:CorporateSemanticWeb
skos:broader w3c:SemanticWeb;
skos:narrower inria:CorporateSemanticWiki;
skos:related inria:KnowledgeManagement.
skos:scopeNote "only within KM community";
skos:definition "a semantic web on an intranet";
skos:example "Nokia's internal use of RDF gateway";
skos:historyNote "semantic intranet until 2006";
skos:editorialNote "keep wikipedia def. uptodate";
skos:changeNote "acronym added by fabien".
many databuried and dormant in web pages
a standard transformation of a
relationnal database in RDF
direct mapping
• cells of a line  triples with a shared subject
• names of columns  names of properties
• each value of a cell  one object
• links between tables
name fname age
doe john 34
did sandy 45
#s1 :name "doe"
#s1 :fname "john"
#s1 :age "34"
#s2 :name "did"
#s2 :fname "sandy"
#s2 :age "45"
#s3 …
example of mapping
ISBN Author Title Year
0006511409X id_xyz The Glass Palace 2000
ID Name Homepage
id_xyz Ghosh, Amitav
Ghosh, Amitav
The Glass Palace
(1) transforming
table of persons
ISBN Author Title Year
0006511409X id_xyz The Glass Palace 2000
ID Name Homepage
id_xyz Ghosh, Amitav
Ghosh, Amitav
The Glass Palace
:P_Table rdf:type rr:TriplesMap ;
rr:subjectMap [
rr:termtype "BlankNode" ;
rr:column "ID" ;
] ;
rr:predicateObjectMap [
rr:predicateMap [
rr:predicate a:name
rr:objectMap [
rr:column "Name"
] ;
rr:predicateObjectMap [
rr:predicateMap [
rr:predicate a:homepage
rr:objectMap [
rr:column "Homepage" ;
rr:termtype "IRI"
] ;
(2) transforming
table of books
ISBN Author Title Year
0006511409X id_xyz The Glass Palace 2000
ID Name Homepage
id_xyz Ghosh, Amitav
Ghosh, Amitav
The Glass Palace
:B_Table rdf:type rr:TriplesMap ;
rr:subjectMap [
rr:template "http://...isbn/{ISBN}";
rr:predicateObjectMap [
rr:predicateMap [
rr:predicate a:title
rr:objectMap [
rr:column "Title"
] ;
rr:predicateObjectMap [
rr:predicateMap [
rr:predicate a:year
rr:objectMap [
rr:column "Year" ;
] ;
(3) linking tables
ISBN Author Title Year
0006511409X id_xyz The Glass Palace 2000
ID Name Homepage
id_xyz Ghosh, Amitav
Ghosh, Amitav
The Glass Palace
:B_Table a rr:TriplesMap ;
rr:refPredicateObjectMap [
rr:refPredicateMap [
rr:predicate a:author
rr:refObjectMap [
rr:parentTriplesMap :P_Table ;
"{child}.Author = {parent}.ID"
schemas to improve index, search and display e.g:
• Creative works, Book, Movie, MusicRecording, Recipe, TVSeries ...
• Embedded non-text objects, AudioObject, ImageObject, VideoObject
• Event
• Organization
• Person
• Place, LocalBusiness, Restaurant ...
• Product, Offer, AggregateOffer
• Review, AggregateRating
= + + +
RDFa 1.1: example on
<div vocab="" typeof="Product">
<img rel="image" src="dell-30in-lcd.jpg" />
<span property="name">Dell UltraSharp 30" LCD Monitor</span>
<div rel="hasAggregateRating" >
<div typeof="">
<span property="ratingValue">87</span>
out of <span property="bestRating">100</span>
based on <span property="ratingCount">24</span> user ratings
<div rel="offers" >
<div typeof="">
<span property="lowPrice">$1250</span>
to <span property="highPrice">$1495</span>
from <span property="offerCount">8</span> sellers
PS: RDFa Lite = vocab + typeof + property + about + prefix.
GRDDL opens formats
by allowing us to declare RDF extraction
algorithms inside XML documents
<head profile="">
<title>The man who mistook his wife for a hat</title>
<link rel="transformation"
href=" dc-extract/dc-extract.xsl" />
<meta name="DC.Subject" content="clinical tales" />
code inside the page
<html xmlns="" dir="ltr" lang="en-US"
<head prefix="og: fb: YOUR_NAMESPACE:">
<meta property="fb:app_id" content="YOUR_APP_ID" />
<meta property="og:type" content="YOUR_NAMESPACE:recipe" />
<meta property="og:title" content="Stuffed Cookies" />
<meta property="og:image" content="" />
<meta property="og:description" content="The Turducken of Cookies" />
<meta property="og:url" content="">
<script type="text/javascript">
function postCook()
{ FB.api('/me/YOUR_NAMESPACE:cook' +
'?recipe=','post', (…) }); }
<input type="button" value="Cook" onclick="postCook()" />
VoID: describing datasets and linksets
:DBpedia a void:Dataset;
void:sparqlEndpoint <>;
void:feature :RDFXML ;
void:subset :DBpedia2Geonames ;
void:uriLookupEndpoint < QueryString=> ;
dcterms:modified "2008-11-17"^^xsd:date;
dcterms:title "DBPedia";
dcterms:description "RDF data extracted from Wikipedia";
dcterms:publisher :DBpedia_community;
dcterms:license <>;
dcterms:source <>.
:Geonames a void:Dataset;
void:sparqlEndpoint <>;
void:triples "107983838"^^xsd:integer ;
dcterms:subject <> .
:DBpedia2Geonames a void:Linkset ;
void:linkPredicate owl:sameAs ;
void:target :DBpedia ;
void:target :Geonames .
e.g. DBpedia dataset
SAWSDLsemantic annotation of WSDL (W3C Rec. 2007)
services annotated and searched
Provenance: PROV-DM & PROV-O
describe entities and activities
involved in providing a resource
PROV-O provenance ontology
PROV-O provenance ontology
PROV-DM & PROV-O: primer example
ex:compose prov:used ex:dataSet1 ;
prov:used ex:regionList .
ex:composition prov:wasGeneratedBy ex:compose .
ex:illustrate prov:used ex:composition .
ex:chart1 prov:wasGeneratedBy ex:illustrate .
annotating multimédia elements
• semantic description of multimedia
resources [Media Annotation]
• pointing to internal elements of
multimedia resources [Media Fragment]
multimedia fragment
• part of the URL after the #,20
• dimensions:
– temporal:
t=10,20 / t=npt:,0:02:01.5 / t=clock:2009-07-26T11:19:01Z
– spatial:
xywh=pixel:160,120,320,240 / xywh=percent:25,25,50,50
– track:
track=1 / track=video&track=subtitle / track=Wide
– named:
• fragment are not sent with the URL but encoded in
the HTTP request
ontologies for multimedia descriptions
ontology for Media Resources 1.0
<video.ogv> a ma:MediaResource ;
ma:hasTrack <video.ogv#track=audio>,
ma:hasSubtitling <video.ogv#track=subtitle> ;
ma:hasSigning <video.ogv#xywh=percent:70,70,90,90> .
<video.ogv#track=audio> a ma:AudioTrack ;
ma:hasLanguage [ rdfs:label "en-GB" ] ;
ma:hasFragment <video.ogv#track=audio&t=10,20> .
<video.ogv#track=audio&t=10,20> a ma:MediaFragment ;
ma:hasLanguage [ rdfs:label "fr" ] .
<video.ogv#track=subtitle> a ma:DataTrack ;
ma:hasLanguage [ rdfs:label "es" ] .
<video.ogv#xywh=percent:70,70,90,90> a ma:MediaFragment ;
ma:hasLanguage [ rdfs:label "bfi" ] .
Time line
some pointers• W3C standards
• SW Tools
• Linked Data Book
• W3DevCampus
• EUCLID material
le doggy-bag
de la présentation
to predict every
black boxes
avoid building
make conceptualizations
open your data
to those who could use them
66 FOAF primitives 3 475 908 348 references (2)
x 52 millions
“a small tree ruling a big graph”(1)
(1) Franck Van Harmelen, ISWC 2011
(2) Libby Miller, 2009
“semantic web”
and not
[C. Welty, ISWC 2007]
“a lightweight ontology
allows us to do
lightweight reasoning”
[J. Hendler, ISWC 2007]
web 1, 2
price convert?
person homepage?
more info?
web 1, 2, 3
usage representation
one web…
person document
tomorrow, he, who controls the metadata,
controls the web.
Fabien Gandon,, @fabien_gandon
Ivan Herman,

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This query is missing a closing brace after ?ema. It should be:SELECT ?name WHERE {?x name ?name . ?x email ?ema.}The closing brace is required to properly define the graph pattern being matched by the WHERE clause. Without it, the query is invalid SPARQL syntax

  • 1. An introduction to Semantic Web and Linked Data or how to link data and schemas on the web a W3C tutorial by Fabien Gandon,, @fabien_gandon Ivan Herman,
  • 2. semantic web mentioned by Tim BL in 1994 at WWW [Tim Berners-Lee 1994,]
  • 5. machines don’t. we identify and interpret information,
  • 8. RDFstands for Resource: pages, dogs, ideas... everything that can have a URI Description: attributes, features, and relations of the resources Framework: model, languages and syntaxes for these descriptions
  • 9. RDFis a triple model i.e. every piece of knowledge is broken down into ( subject , predicate , object )
  • 10. doc.html has for author Fabien and has for theme Music
  • 11. doc.html has for author Fabien doc.html has for theme Music
  • 12. ( doc.html , author , Fabien ) ( doc.html , theme , Music ) ( subject , predicate , object )
  • 14. RDFis also a graph model to link the descriptions of resources
  • 15. RDFtriples can be seen as arcs of a graph (vertex,edge,vertex)
  • 16. ( doc.html , author , Fabien ) ( doc.html , theme , Music )
  • 19. open and link data in a global giant graph
  • 20. RDFin values of properties can also be literals i.e. strings of characters
  • 21. ( doc.html , author , Fabien ) ( doc.html , theme , "Music" )
  • 23. RDF< /> has an XML syntax
  • 26. @prefix rdf: <> . @prefix inria: <> . <> inria:author <> ; inria:theme "Music" .
  • 27. writing rules for RDF triples • the subject is always a resource (never a literal) • properties are binary relations and their types are identified by URIs • the value is a resource or a literal
  • 28. blank nodes (bnodes) author "My Life" title "John" surname "Doe" firstname handy anonymous nodes (existential quantification) there exist a resource such that… {  r ; …} <rdf:Description rdf:about=" "> <author> <rdf:Description> <surname>Doe</surname> <firstname>John</firstname> </rdf:Description> </author> <title>My Life</title> </rdf:Description> <> author [surname "Doe" ; firstname "John" . ] ; title "My Life" .
  • 29. XML schema datatypes & literals standard literals are xsd:string type literals with datatypes from XML Schema <rdf:Description rdf:about="#Fabien"> <teaching rdf:datatype=""> true</teaching> <birth rdf:datatype=""> 1975-07-31</birth> </rdf:Description/> #Fabien teaching "true"^^xsd:boolean ; birth "1975-07-31"^^xsd:date . #Fabien "true"^^xsd:boolean "1975-07-31"^^xsd:date teaching birth
  • 31. langue <Book> <title xml:lang=‘fr’>Seigneur des anneaux</title> <title xml:lang=‘en’>Lord of the rings</title> </Book> <Book> title "Seigneur des anneaux"@fr ; title "Lord of the rings"@en . literals with languages and without are disjoint “Fabien”  “Fabien”@en  “Fabien”@fr
  • 32. typing resources using URIs to identify the types <urn://~fgandon> rdf:type <> a resource can have several types <urn://~fgandon> rdf:type <> <urn://~fgandon> rdf:type <> <urn://~fgandon> rdf:type <> <rdf:Description rdf:about="urn://~fgandon"> <rdf:type rdf:resource="" /> <name>Fabien</name> </rdf:Description> <in:Person rdf:about="urn://~fgandon"> <name>Fabien</name> </in:Person> <urn://~fgandon> a in:Person ; name "Fabien" .
  • 33. question: <?xml version="1.0"?> <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:exs=""> <rdf:Description rdf:about=""> <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/> <exs:theme rdf:resource=""/> <exs:theme rdf:resource=""/> <exs:nbPages rdf:datatype="">23</exs:nbPages> </rdf:Description> </rdf:RDF> meaning ?
  • 34. question: <?xml version="1.0"?> <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:exs=""> <rdf:Description rdf:about=""> <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/> <exs:theme rdf:resource=""/> <exs:theme rdf:resource=""/> <exs:nbPages rdf:datatype="">23</exs:nbPages> </rdf:Description> </rdf:RDF> exs:Report rdf:type exs:nbPages “23”^^xsd:int exs:theme exs:theme
  • 35. bags = unordered groups <rdf:Description rdf:about="#"> <author> <rdf:Bag> <rdf:li>Ivan Herman</rdf:li> <rdf:li>Fabien Gandon</rdf:li> </rdf:Bag> </author> </rdf:Description> <#> author _:a _:a rdf:_1 “Ivan Herman” _:a rdf:_2 “Fabien Gandon” <#> author [ a rdf:Bag ; rdf:li "Ivan Herman" ; rdf:li "Fabien Gandon" . ] .
  • 36. sequence ordered group of resources or literals <rdf:Description rdf:about="#partition"> <contains> <rdf:Seq> <rdf:li rdf:about="#C"/> <rdf:li rdf:about="#C"/> <rdf:li rdf:about="#C"/> <rdf:li rdf:about="#D"/> <rdf:li rdf:about="#E"/> </rdf:Seq> </contains> </rdf:Description> <partition> contains [ a rdf:Seq ; rdf:li "C" ; rdf:li "C" ; rdf:li "C" ; rdf:li "D" ; rdf:li "E" . ] .
  • 37. alternativese.g. title of a book in different languages <rdf:Description rdf:about="#book"> <title> <rdf:Alt> <rdf:li xml:lang="fr">l’homme qui prenait sa femme pour un chapeau</rdf:li> <rdf:li xml:lang="en">the man who mistook his wife for a hat</rdf:li> </rdf:Alt> </title> </rdf:Description> <#book> title [ a rdf:Alt ; rdf:li "l’homme…"@fr ; rdf:li "the man…"@en . ] .
  • 38. collectionexhaustive and ordered list <rdf:Description rdf:about="#week"> <dividedIn rdf:parseType="Collection"> <rdf:Description rdf:about="#monday"/> <rdf:Description rdf:about="#tuesday"/> <rdf:Description rdf:about="#wednesday"/> <rdf:Description rdf:about="#thursday"/> <rdf:Description rdf:about="#friday"/> <rdf:Description rdf:about="#saturday"/> <rdf:Description rdf:about="#sunday"/> </devidedIn> </rdf:Description> wednesday friday sunday nil monday tuesday thursday saturday firstrest List _:a _:b _:c _:d _:e _:f _:g <#week> dividedIn ( <#monday> <#tuesday> <#wednesday> <#thursday> <#friday> <#saturday> <#sunday> ) .
  • 40. openmodel • extensible vocabulary based on URIs • anyone can say anything about anything
  • 42. May 2007 April 2008 September 2008 March 2009 September 2010 Linking Open Data Linking Open Data cloud diagram, by Richard Cyganiak and Anja Jentzsch. September 2011 0 100 200 300 400 10/10/2006 28/04/2007 14/11/2007 01/06/2008 18/12/2008 06/07/2009 22/01/2010 10/08/2010 26/02/2011 14/09/2011 01/04/2012
  • 43. thematic content Domains Number of datasets Number of Triples % Out links % Media 25 1 841 852 061 5,82 % 50 440 705 10,01 % Geography 31 6145 532 484 19,43 % 35 812 328 7,11 % Government 49 13 315 009 400 42,09 % 19 343 519 3,84 % Publications 87 2 950 720 693 9,33 % 139 925 218 27,76 % Inter-domain 41 4 184 635 715 13,23 % 63 183 065 12,54 % Life Sciences 41 3 036 336 004 9,60 % 191 844 090 38,06 % Users’ content 20 134 127 413 0,42 % 3 449 143 0,68 % 295 31 634 213 770 503 998 829 42% 20% 13% 10% 9% 6% 0% Government Geography Inter-domain Life Sciences Publications Media Users' content
  • 45. principles  Use RDF as data format  Use URIs as names for things  Use HTTP URIs so that people can look up those names  When someone looks up a URI, provide useful information (RDF, HTML, etc.) using content negotiation  Include links to other URIs so that related things can be discovered
  • 46. query SPARQL serve HTML/RDF HTTP URI publish RDF follow your nose include links
  • 47. DNShe who controls the name controls the access ex. & Libya .fr * .inria isicil
  • 49.
  • 50.
  • 51.
  • 52.
  • 54.
  • 55. RDF 1.1 ? • standardize Turtle syntax • standardize a JSON syntax • named graphs
  • 56. query with SPARQL SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language
  • 57. SPARQL in 3 parts part 1: query language part 2: result format part 3: access protocol
  • 58. SPARQL query SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE { ... }
  • 59. examplepersons at least 18-year old PREFIX ex: <> SELECT ?person ?name WHERE { ?person rdf:type ex:Person . ?person ex:name ?name . ?person ex:age ?age . FILTER (?age > 17) }
  • 61. graph mapping / projection classical three clauses: – Select: clause to select the values to be returned – Where: triple/graph pattern to match – Filter: constraints expressed using test functions (XPath 2.0 or external)
  • 62. SPARQL triples • triples and question marks for variables: ?x rdf:type ex:Person • graph patterns to match: SELECT ?subject ?proprerty ?value WHERE {?subject ?proprerty ?value} • a pattern is, by default, a conjunction of triples SELECT ?x WHERE { ?x rdf:type ex:Person . ?x ex:name ?name . }
  • 63. question: • Query: SELECT ?name WHERE { ?x name ?name . ?x email ?email . } • Base: _:a name "Fabien" _:b name "Thomas" _:c name "Lincoln" _:d name "Aline" _:b email <> _:a email <> _:d email <> _:a email <> • Results ? x2
  • 64. prefixes to use namespaces: PREFIX mit: <> PREFIX foaf: <> SELECT ?student WHERE { ?student mit:registeredAt ?x . ?x foaf:homepage <> . } Base namespace : BASE <…>
  • 66. result formats • a binding i.e. list of all the selected values (SELECT) for each answer found; (stable XML format ; e.g. for XSLT transformations) • RDF sub-graphs for each answer found (RDF/XML format ; e.g. for application integration) • JSON (eg. ajax web applications) • CSV/TSV (eg. export)
  • 67. example of binding results for previous query in XML <?xml version="1.0"?> <sparql xmlns=""> <head> <variable name="student"/> </head> <results ordered="false" distinct="false"> <result> <binding name="student"> <uri>http//</uri></binding> </result> <result> <binding name="student"> <uri>http//</uri></binding> </result> </sparql>
  • 68. simplified syntax triples with a common subject: SELECT ?name ?fname WHERE { ?x a Person; name ?name ; firstname ?fname ; author ?y . } list of values ?x firstname "Fabien", "Lucien" . blank node [firstname "Fabien"] or [] firstname "Fabien" SELECT ?name ?fname WHERE { ?x rdf:type Person . ?x name ?name . ?x firstname ?fname . ?x author ?y . }
  • 69. source PREFIX mit: <> PREFIX foaf: <> FROM http// SELECT ?student WHERE { ?student mit:registeredAt ?x . ?x foaf:homepage <> . }
  • 70. optional part PREFIX mit: <> PREFIX foaf: <> SELECT ?student ?name WHERE { ?student mit:registeredAt ?x . ?x foaf:homepage <> . OPTIONAL {? student foaf:name ?name . } } possibly unbound
  • 71. union alternative graph patterns PREFIX mit: <> PREFIX foaf: <> SELECT ?student ?name WHERE { ?student mit:registeredAt ?x . { { ?x foaf:homepage <> . } UNION { ?x foaf:homepage <> . } } }
  • 72. sort, filter and limit answers PREFIX mit: <> PREFIX foaf: <> SELECT ?student ?name WHERE { ?student mit:registeredAt ?x . ?x foaf:homepage <> . ?student foaf:name ?name . ? student foaf:age ?age . FILTER (?age > 22) } ORDER BY ?name LIMIT 20 OFFSET 20 students older than 22 years sorted by name results from number #21 to #40
  • 73. operators • Inside the FILTER: – Comparators: <, >, =, <=, >=, != – Tests on variables : isURI(?x), isBlank(?x), isLiteral(?x), bound(?x) – Regular expression regex(?x, "A.*") – Attributes and values: lang(), datatype(), str() – Casting: xsd:integer(?x) – External functions and extensions – Boolean combinations: &&, || • In the where WHERE: @fr , ^^xsd:integer • In the SELECT: distinct
  • 74. other functions (v 1.1) isNumeric(Val) test it is a numeric value coalesce(val,…, val) first valid value IRI(Str)/URI(Str) to build an iri/uri from a string BNODE(ID) to build a blank node RAND() random value between 0 and 1 ABS(Val) absolute value CEIL(Val), FLOOR(Val), ROUND(Val) NOW() today’s date DAY(Date), HOURS(Date), MINUTES(Date), MONTH(Date), SECONDS(Date), TIMEZONE(Date), TZ(Date), YEAR(Date) to access different parts of a date MD5(Val), SHA1(Val), SHA256(Val), SHA384(Val), SHA512(Val) hash functions
  • 75. string / literal functions (v1.1) STRDT(value, type) build a typed literal STRLANG(value, lang) build a literal with a language CONCAT(lit1,…,litn) concatenate a list of literal CONTAINS(lit1,lit2), STRSTARTS(lit1,lit2), STRENDS(lit1,lit2) to test string inclusion SUBSTR(lit, start [,length]) extract a sub string ENCODE_FOR_URI (Str) encodes a string as URI UCASE (Str), LCASE (Str) uppercase and lowercase STRLEN (Str) length of the string
  • 76. Aggregates group by + count, sum, min, max, avg, group_concat, or sample ex. average scores, grouped by the subject, but only where the mean is greater than 10 SELECT (AVG(?score) AS ?average) WHERE { ?student score ?score . } GROUP BY ?student HAVING(AVG(?score) > 10)
  • 77. question: PREFIX ex: <> SELECT ?person WHERE { ?person rdf:type ?type . FILTER(! ( ?type = ex:Man )) }
  • 78. minussubstract a pattern PREFIX ex: <> SELECT ?person WHERE { { ?x rdf:type ex:Person } minus {?x rdf:type ex:Man} }
  • 79. not existcheck the absence of a pattern PREFIX ex: <> SELECT ?person WHERE { ?x ex:memberOf ?org . filter (not exists {?y ex:memberOf <Hell>}) }
  • 80. if… then… else prefix foaf: <> select * where { ?x foaf:name ?name ; foaf:age ?age . filter ( if (langMatches( lang(?name), "FR"), ?age>=18, ?age>=21) ) }
  • 81. test a value is in / not in a list prefix foaf: <> select * where { ?x foaf:name ?n . filter (?n in ("fabien", "olivier", "catherine") ) }
  • 82. valuespre-defined bindings select ?person where { ?person name ?name . VALUES (?name) { "Peter" "Pedro" "Pierre" } }
  • 83. paths prefix foaf: <> select ?friends_fab where { ?x foaf:name "Fabien Gandon" ; foaf:knows+ ?friends_fab ; } / : sequence | : alternative + : one or several * : zero or several ? : optional ^ : reverse ! : negation {min,max} : length
  • 84. select expression select ?x (year(?date) as ?year) where { ?x birthdate ?date . }
  • 85. subquery / nested query select ?name where { {select (max(?age) as ?max) where { ?person age ?age } } ?senior age ?max ?senior name ?name }
  • 86. construct RDF as result PREFIX mit: <> PREFIX corp: <> CONSTRUCT { ?student rdf:type corp:FuturExecutive . } WHERE { ?student rdf:type mit:Student . }
  • 87. free description PREFIX mit: <> DESCRIBE ?student { ?student rdf:type mit:Student . } or DESCRIBE <…URI…>
  • 88. SPARQL protocol exchange queries and their results through the web
  • 89.
  • 91.
  • 93.
  • 94.
  • 95.
  • 97. publication process demo • one-click setup • import raw data • transform to RDF • publish on the web • query online
  • 98.
  • 99. Test on DBpedia • Connect to: or or … • Query: SELECT * WHERE { ?x rdfs:label "Paris"@fr . ?x ?p ?v . } LIMIT 10
  • 100.
  • 101. Linked Data PlatformREST like access to LD resources & containers HTTP for accessing, updating, creating and deleting resources from linked data servers. PUT HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Type: text/turtle <fab> a foaf:Person ; rdfs:label "Fabien" ; foaf:mbox <> .
  • 102. semantic web: linked data and semantics of schemas a little semantics in a world of links
  • 103. had typed links… the original web
  • 104. what is the last document you read?
  • 106. your answer relies on a shared ontology we infer from it we all understood
  • 109. #21  #12 #48  #21#47  #21 ontological knowledge formalized #12 #21 #47 #48
  • 112. RDFS means RDF Schema
  • 113. RDFS provides primitives to Write lightweight ontologies
  • 114. RDFS to define classes of resources and organize their hierarchy Document Report
  • 115. RDFS to define relations between resources, their signature and organize their hierarchy creator author Document Person
  • 116. FO  R  GF  GRmapping modulo an ontology car vehicle car(x)vehicle(x) GF GRvehicle car O
  • 117. an old schema of RDFS W3C
  • 118. example of RDFS schema <rdf:RDF xml:base ="" xmlns:rdf ="" xmlns:rdfs="" xmlns ="> <Class rdf:ID="Man"> <subClassOf rdf:resource="#Person"/> <subClassOf rdf:resource="#Male"/> <label xml:lang="en">man</label> <comment xml:lang="en">an adult male person</comment> </Class> <Man> a Class ; subClassOf <Person>, <Male> .
  • 119. example of RDFS properties <rdf:RDF xml:base ="" xmlns:rdf ="" xmlns:rdfs="" xmlns ="> <rdf:Property rdf:ID="hasMother"> <subPropertyOf rdf:resource="#hasParent"/> <range rdf:resource="#Female"/> <domain rdf:resource="#Human"/> <label xml:lang="en">has for mother</label> <comment xml:lang="en">to have for parent a female. </comment> </rdf:Property> <hasMother> a rdf:Property ; subPropertyOf <hasParent> ; range <Female> ; domain <Human> .
  • 120. example of RDF using this schema <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf =" syntax-ns#" xmlns:rdfs="" xmlns="" xml:base="" > <rdf:Description rdf:ID="Lucas"> <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/> <hasMother rdf:resource="#Laura"/> </rdf:Description> <Man rdf:ID="Lucas"> <hasMother rdf:resource="#Laura"/> </Man> <Luca> a Man; hasMother <Laura> .
  • 121. rdfs:label a resource may have one or more labels in one or more natural language <rdf:Property rdf:ID='name'> <rdfs:domain rdf:resource='Person'/> <rdfs:range rdf:resource='&rdfs;Literal'/> <rdfs:label xml:lang='fr'>nom</rdfs:label> <rdfs:label xml:lang='fr'>nom de famille</rdfs:label> <rdfs:label xml:lang='en'>name</rdfs:label> </rdf:Property> <name> a rdf:Property ; range rdfs:Literal ; domain <Person> ; label "nom"@fr, "nom de famille"@fr, "name"@en .
  • 122. rdfs:comment & rdfs:seeAlso comments provide definitions and explanations in natural language <rdfs:Class rdf:about=‘#Woman’> <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="#Person"/> <rdfs:comment xml:lang=‘fr’>une personne adulte du sexe féminin</rdfs:comment> <rdfs:comment xml:lang=‘en’>a female adult person </rdfs:comment> </rdfs:Class> see also… <rdfs:Class rdf:about=‘#Man’> <rdfs:seeAlso rdf:resource=‘#Woman’/> </rdfs:Class> <Woman> a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf <Person> ; rdfs:comment "adult femal person"@en ; rdfs:comment "une adulte de sexe féminin"@fr . <Man> a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:seeAlso <Woman> .
  • 125. OWLin one… enumeration intersection union complement  disjunction restriction! cardinality 1..1 algebraic properties equivalence [>18] disjoint union value restrict. disjoint properties qualified cardinality 1..1 ! individual prop. neg chained prop.   keys …
  • 126. enumerated class define a class by providing all its members <owl:Class rdf:id="EyeColor"> <owl:oneOf rdf:parseType="Collection"> <owl:Thing rdf:ID="Blue"/> <owl:Thing rdf:ID="Green"/> <owl:Thing rdf:ID="Brown"/> <owl:Thing rdf:ID="Black"/> </owl:oneOf> </owl:Class> {a,b,c,d,e}
  • 127. classes defined by union of other classes <owl:Class> <owl:unionOf rdf:parseType="Collection"> <owl:Class rdf:about="#Person"/> <owl:Class rdf:about="#Group"/> </owl:unionOf> </owl:Class>
  • 128. classes defined by intersection of other classes <owl:Class rdf:ID="Man"> <owl:intersectionOf rdf:parseType="Collection"> <owl:Class rdf:about="#Male"/> <owl:Class rdf:about="#Person"/> </owl:intersectionOf> </owl:Class>
  • 129. complement and disjunction complement class <owl:Class rdf:ID="Male"> <owl:complementOf rdf:resource="#Female"/> </owl:Class> declare a disjunction <owl:Class rdf:ID="Square"> <owl:disjointWith rdf:resource="#Round"/> </owl:Class> 
  • 130. restriction on all values <owl:Class rdf:ID="Herbivore"> <subClassOf rdf:resource="#Animal"/> <subClassOf> <owl:Restriction> <owl:onProperty rdf:resource="#eats" /> <owl:allValuesFrom rdf:resource="#Plant" /> </owl:Restriction> </subClassOf> </owl:Class> !
  • 131. restriction on some values <owl:Class rdf:ID="Sportive"> <owl:equivalentClass> <owl:Restriction> <owl:onProperty rdf:resource="#hobby" /> <owl:someValuesFrom rdf:resource="#Sport" /> </owl:Restriction> </owl:equivalentClass> </owl:Class> !
  • 132. restriction to an exact value <owl:Class rdf:ID="Bike"> <subClassOf> <owl:Restriction> <owl:onProperty rdf:resource="#nbWheels" /> <owl:hasValue>2</owl:hasValue> </owl:Restriction> </subClassOf> </owl:Class> !
  • 133. restriction on cardinality how many times a property is used for a same subject but with different values • Constraints: minimum, maximum, exact number • Exemple <owl:Class rdf:ID="Person"> <subClassOf> <owl:Restriction> <owl:onProperty rdf:resource="#name" /> <owl:maxCardinality>1</owl:maxCardinality> </owl:Restriction> </subClassOf> </owl:Class> 1..1
  • 134. types of properties • ObjectProperty are relations between resources only e.g. hasParent(#thomas,#stephan) • DatatypeProperty have a literal value possibly typed ex:hasAge(#thomas,16^^xsd:int) • AnnotationProperty are ignored in inferences and used for documentation and extensions
  • 135. algebraic properties • Symmetric property, xRy  yRx <owl:SymmetricProperty rdf:ID="hasSpouse" /> • Inverse property, xR1y  yR2x <rdf:Property rdf:ID="hasChild"> <owl:inverseOf rdf:resource="#hasParent"/> </rdf:Property> • Transitive property, xRy & yRz  xRz <owl:TransitiveProperty rdf:ID="hasAncestor" /> • Functional property, xRy & xRz  y=z <owl:FunctionalProperty rdf:ID="hasMother" /> • Inverse functional property, xRy & zRy  x=z <owl:InverseFunctionalProperty rdf:ID="hasSocialSecurityNumber" /> ! !
  • 136. equivalencies and alignment • equivalent classes : owl:equivalentClass • equivalent properties: owl:equivalentProperty • identical or different resources: owl:sameAs, owl:differentFrom 
  • 137. document the schemas description of the ontology owl:Ontology, owl:imports, owl:versionInfo, owl:priorVersion, owl:backwardCompatibleWith, owl:incompatibleWith versions of classes and properties owl:DeprecatedClass, owl:DeprecatedProperty
  • 138. OWL profiles EL: large numbers of properties and/or classes and polynomial time. QL: large volumes of instance data, and conjunctive query answering using conventional relational database in LOGSPACE RL: scalable reasoning without sacrificing too much expressive power using rule-based reasoning in polynomial time
  • 139.
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  • 141.
  • 143. semantic waste separation the web is a garbage can, the semantic web will be a semantic garbage can.
  • 144.
  • 145.
  • 146. Discovery Hub (Inria, Alcatel Bell Lucent)
  • 147.
  • 148. Rule Interchange Format (RIF) core and extensions
  • 149. e.g. infer new relations rule: if a member of a team is interested in a topic then the team as a whole is interested in that topic ?person interestedBy ?topic ?person member ?team  ?team interestedBy ?topic interestedByPerson ?person Topic ?topic member Team ?team interestedBy
  • 150. question: forward chaining ex:Fabien ex:activity ex:Research ex:Fabien ex:in ex:WimmicsTeam ex:WimmicsTeam ex:in ex:INRIASophia ex:INRIASophia ex:in ex:INRIA ex:WimmicsTeam ex:activity ex:Research ex:INRIASophia ex:activity ex:Research ex:INRIA ex:activity ex:Research IF ?x ex:activity ?y ?x ex:in ?z THEN ?z ex:activity ?y
  • 151. RIF Core subset shared by most systems: add only employee1 [function-> “executive” bonus -> 10 ] ForAll ?emp (?emp [ bonus -> 15 ] :- ?emp [ function -> “executive” ] ) employee1 [function -> “executive” bonus -> 10 bonus -> 15 ]
  • 152. RIF Core monotonic Horn clause on frames conclusion :- hyp1 and hyp2 and hyp3 … • IRI as constants • frames as triplets • lists • existential quantification in condition • class membership and equality in condition
  • 153. RIF BLD (Basic Logic Dialect) still monotonic : no changes. • conjunction in conclusion • fonctions, predicates and named arguments f(?x) Maganer(?e) :- Exists ?g (manage(?e ?g)) • disjunction in condition • equality in conclusion • sub-classes
  • 154. RIF PRD (Production Rules Dialect) full production rules in forward chaining • add, delete, modify, run • instantiate frames (new) • negation as failure (ineg) • no longer monotonic Forall ?customer ?purchasesYTD (If And( ?customer#ex:Customer ?customer[ex:purchasesYTD->?purchasesYTD] External(pred:numeric-greater-than(?purchasesYTD 5000)) ) Then Do( Modify(?customer[ex:status->"Gold"]) ) ) (from PRD Rec. Doc.)
  • 155. RIF, RIF, RIF,… • DTB (Datatypes and Built-Ins) : data types with their predicates and functions • FLD: how to specify new dialects extending BLD • SWC : syntax and semantics to combine RIF, RDF graphs, RDFS and OWL (RL)
  • 157. natural language expressions to refer to concepts 157 inria:CorporateSemanticWeb skos:prefLabel "corporate semantic web"@en; skos:prefLabel "web sémantique d'entreprise"@fr; skos:altLabel "corporate SW"@en; skos:altLabel "CSW"@en; skos:hiddenLabel "web semantique d'entreprise"@fr. labels
  • 158. between conceptsinria:CorporateSemanticWeb skos:broader w3c:SemanticWeb; skos:narrower inria:CorporateSemanticWiki; skos:related inria:KnowledgeManagement. relations
  • 159. inria:CorporateSemanticWeb skos:scopeNote "only within KM community"; skos:definition "a semantic web on an intranet"; skos:example "Nokia's internal use of RDF gateway"; skos:historyNote "semantic intranet until 2006"; skos:editorialNote "keep wikipedia def. uptodate"; skos:changeNote "acronym added by fabien".
  • 160. many databuried and dormant in web pages
  • 161. R2RML a standard transformation of a relationnal database in RDF schema mapping
  • 162. direct mapping • cells of a line  triples with a shared subject • names of columns  names of properties • each value of a cell  one object • links between tables name fname age doe john 34 did sandy 45 #s1 :name "doe" #s1 :fname "john" #s1 :age "34" #s2 :name "did" #s2 :fname "sandy" #s2 :age "45" #s3 …
  • 163. example of mapping ISBN Author Title Year 0006511409X id_xyz The Glass Palace 2000 ID Name Homepage id_xyz Ghosh, Amitav http://…isbn/000651409X Ghosh, Amitav The Glass Palace 2000 a:name a:homepage a:author
  • 164. (1) transforming table of persons ISBN Author Title Year 0006511409X id_xyz The Glass Palace 2000 ID Name Homepage id_xyz Ghosh, Amitav http://…isbn/000651409X Ghosh, Amitav The Glass Palace 2000 a:name a:homepage a:author :P_Table rdf:type rr:TriplesMap ; rr:subjectMap [ rr:termtype "BlankNode" ; rr:column "ID" ; ] ; rr:predicateObjectMap [ rr:predicateMap [ rr:predicate a:name ]; rr:objectMap [ rr:column "Name" ] ] ; rr:predicateObjectMap [ rr:predicateMap [ rr:predicate a:homepage ]; rr:objectMap [ rr:column "Homepage" ; rr:termtype "IRI" ] ] ;
  • 165. (2) transforming table of books ISBN Author Title Year 0006511409X id_xyz The Glass Palace 2000 ID Name Homepage id_xyz Ghosh, Amitav http://…isbn/000651409X Ghosh, Amitav The Glass Palace 2000 a:name a:homepage a:author :B_Table rdf:type rr:TriplesMap ; rr:subjectMap [ rr:template "http://...isbn/{ISBN}"; ]; rr:predicateObjectMap [ rr:predicateMap [ rr:predicate a:title ]; rr:objectMap [ rr:column "Title" ] ] ; rr:predicateObjectMap [ rr:predicateMap [ rr:predicate a:year ]; rr:objectMap [ rr:column "Year" ; ] ] ;
  • 166. (3) linking tables ISBN Author Title Year 0006511409X id_xyz The Glass Palace 2000 ID Name Homepage id_xyz Ghosh, Amitav http://…isbn/000651409X Ghosh, Amitav The Glass Palace 2000 a:name a:homepage a:author :B_Table a rr:TriplesMap ; ... rr:refPredicateObjectMap [ rr:refPredicateMap [ rr:predicate a:author ]; rr:refObjectMap [ rr:parentTriplesMap :P_Table ; rr:joinCondition "{child}.Author = {parent}.ID" ] ] ].
  • 167. schemas to improve index, search and display e.g: • Creative works, Book, Movie, MusicRecording, Recipe, TVSeries ... • Embedded non-text objects, AudioObject, ImageObject, VideoObject • Event • Organization • Person • Place, LocalBusiness, Restaurant ... • Product, Offer, AggregateOffer • Review, AggregateRating = + + +
  • 168. RDFa 1.1: example on <div vocab="" typeof="Product"> <img rel="image" src="dell-30in-lcd.jpg" /> <span property="name">Dell UltraSharp 30" LCD Monitor</span> <div rel="hasAggregateRating" > <div typeof=""> <span property="ratingValue">87</span> out of <span property="bestRating">100</span> based on <span property="ratingCount">24</span> user ratings </div> </div> <div rel="offers" > <div typeof=""> <span property="lowPrice">$1250</span> to <span property="highPrice">$1495</span> from <span property="offerCount">8</span> sellers </div> </div> (…) PS: RDFa Lite = vocab + typeof + property + about + prefix.
  • 169. GRDDL opens formats by allowing us to declare RDF extraction algorithms inside XML documents <head profile=""> <title>The man who mistook his wife for a hat</title> <link rel="transformation" href=" dc-extract/dc-extract.xsl" /> <meta name="DC.Subject" content="clinical tales" /> …
  • 170.
  • 171.
  • 172.
  • 173.
  • 174.
  • 175.
  • 176. code inside the page <html xmlns="" dir="ltr" lang="en-US" xmlns:fb=""> <head prefix="og: fb: YOUR_NAMESPACE:"> <meta property="fb:app_id" content="YOUR_APP_ID" /> <meta property="og:type" content="YOUR_NAMESPACE:recipe" /> <meta property="og:title" content="Stuffed Cookies" /> <meta property="og:image" content="" /> <meta property="og:description" content="The Turducken of Cookies" /> <meta property="og:url" content=""> <script type="text/javascript"> function postCook() { FB.api('/me/YOUR_NAMESPACE:cook' + '?recipe=','post', (…) }); } </script> </head> <body> (…) <form> <input type="button" value="Cook" onclick="postCook()" /> </form> </body> </html>
  • 177.
  • 178. VoID: describing datasets and linksets
  • 179. :DBpedia a void:Dataset; void:sparqlEndpoint <>; void:feature :RDFXML ; void:subset :DBpedia2Geonames ; void:uriLookupEndpoint < QueryString=> ; dcterms:modified "2008-11-17"^^xsd:date; dcterms:title "DBPedia"; dcterms:description "RDF data extracted from Wikipedia"; dcterms:publisher :DBpedia_community; dcterms:license <>; dcterms:source <>. :Geonames a void:Dataset; void:sparqlEndpoint <>; void:triples "107983838"^^xsd:integer ; dcterms:subject <> . :DBpedia2Geonames a void:Linkset ; void:linkPredicate owl:sameAs ; void:target :DBpedia ; void:target :Geonames . e.g. DBpedia dataset
  • 180. SAWSDLsemantic annotation of WSDL (W3C Rec. 2007)
  • 182. semantically services annotated and searched providerserviceclientrequester directory 3 12
  • 184. Provenance: PROV-DM & PROV-O describe entities and activities involved in providing a resource
  • 187. PROV-DM & PROV-O: primer example ex:compose prov:used ex:dataSet1 ; prov:used ex:regionList . ex:composition prov:wasGeneratedBy ex:compose . ex:illustrate prov:used ex:composition . ex:chart1 prov:wasGeneratedBy ex:illustrate .
  • 188. annotating multimédia elements • semantic description of multimedia resources [Media Annotation] • pointing to internal elements of multimedia resources [Media Fragment]
  • 189. multimedia fragment • part of the URL after the #,20 • dimensions: – temporal: t=10,20 / t=npt:,0:02:01.5 / t=clock:2009-07-26T11:19:01Z – spatial: xywh=pixel:160,120,320,240 / xywh=percent:25,25,50,50 – track: track=1 / track=video&track=subtitle / track=Wide – named: id=chapter-1 • fragment are not sent with the URL but encoded in the HTTP request
  • 190. ontologies for multimedia descriptions ontology for Media Resources 1.0 <video.ogv> a ma:MediaResource ; ma:hasTrack <video.ogv#track=audio>, <video.ogv#track=subtitle>; ma:hasSubtitling <video.ogv#track=subtitle> ; ma:hasSigning <video.ogv#xywh=percent:70,70,90,90> . <video.ogv#track=audio> a ma:AudioTrack ; ma:hasLanguage [ rdfs:label "en-GB" ] ; ma:hasFragment <video.ogv#track=audio&t=10,20> . <video.ogv#track=audio&t=10,20> a ma:MediaFragment ; ma:hasLanguage [ rdfs:label "fr" ] . <video.ogv#track=subtitle> a ma:DataTrack ; ma:hasLanguage [ rdfs:label "es" ] . <video.ogv#xywh=percent:70,70,90,90> a ma:MediaFragment ; ma:hasLanguage [ rdfs:label "bfi" ] .
  • 192. some pointers• W3C standards • SW Tools • Linked Data Book • W3DevCampus • EUCLID material
  • 193. le doggy-bag de la présentation
  • 197. open your data to those who could use them
  • 198. 66 FOAF primitives 3 475 908 348 references (2) x 52 millions “a small tree ruling a big graph”(1) (1) Franck Van Harmelen, ISWC 2011 (2) Libby Miller, 2009
  • 199. “semantic web” and not “semanticweb” [C. Welty, ISWC 2007] “a lightweight ontology allows us to do lightweight reasoning” [J. Hendler, ISWC 2007]
  • 203. tomorrow, he, who controls the metadata, controls the web. Fabien Gandon,, @fabien_gandon Ivan Herman, SLIDES @